Chapter 20

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"Ey, look at that sexy mark." Jaemin said, putting out his hand for a high-five.

The pair had just got their lab report back, which got a perfect score. Soojung couldn't help but smile as she went to give Jaemin a high-five but the male took his hand away at the last second, making the girl pout.

"Hey!" Soojung whined but the Jaemin seemed focused on something else.

"Have you worn that sweater before?" Jaemin asked.

Soojung looked down and mentally cursed as she realized that she was wearing one of Jeno's sweaters.

Crap, I probably smell like him too.

"Yeah probably, it's my favourite one. Belongs to my brother." Soojung lied.

"Oh, I didn't know that you had a brother." Jaemin said, turning back to the front of the room.

I don't.

"We're not that close so we don't talk that much." Soojung said, hoping Jaemin would drop the topic.

"I see." Jaemin said, beginning to jot down notes for their class.

Soojung gulped, really hoping that Jaemin wasn't catching on to her and Jeno.


Jeno leaned against the pool table, uninterested in the game his hyungs were having against the two maknaes of the gang, Chenle and Jisung.

"Hyung, go easy on us." Chenle whined to Jaehyun and Johnny. "Jisung doesn't even know how to play."

"Yah, that's not true." Jisung exclaimed, only making the two older Phoenixes laugh even harder.

This is lame, Jeno thought, moving to the other side of the bar where Ayeon and Renjun were, Haechan upstairs in his room working on a project that was due soon.

As Jeno poured himself a drink from behind the counter, he was surprised when Ayeon motioned him over.

"What do you want?" Jeno asked the girl, who simply rolled her eyes.

"I want to dye my hair, Jeno." Ayeon told him.

"Okay, so do it." Jeno said, sipping the cola in his hands.

"But I don't know where." Ayeon whined.

"I already told you that I can do it." Renjun told her but Ayeon did not seem happy to hear those words.

"No, I do not want botched hair like Chenle's botched tattoo." Ayeon told the male who shrugged.

"Didn't you say that you liked Soojung's hair? Why don't you ask her?" Jeno suggested.

He only realized what he had said when the two of them gave him weird looks.

"Wow, those were some smart words for someone like you." Renjun snickered and Jeno tried to keep it cool as he rolled his eyes.

"Just stating facts." Jeno said, drinking his cola in hopes that his friends wouldn't catch on.

"No, he has a point, stop being a dick." Ayeon said, giving Renjun a light smack.

"Ow, I hope you know I'm not afraid to beat you up." Renjun said, raising a fist.

"I'd like to see you try." Ayeon threatened, crossing her arms.

Jeno sighed as he chugged the rest of the pop before chucking the can in the trash, missing the peace and quiet of Soojung's place.

"Hey, where are you going?" Renjun asked, as Jeno slipped his leather gloves on.

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