Chapter 16

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Jeno and Soojung both moved back at the same time, both feeling extremely embarrassed. Jeno turned around, bending down to pick up his helmet while Soojung regained her composure.

"Let's just get going." Soojung mumbled and followed Jeno out towards the streets.

Even though it was a school night, Soojung saw that there were different groups of men leaning on the walls as they smoked, their eyes on Jeno.

That is, they were on Jeno until Soojung felt them on her.

Soojung heard Jeno curse under his breath before she felt his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Play along, will you?" Jeno whispered into her ear and Soojung was confused until one of the men that were smoking pushed himself off the wall and began approaching them.

"Jeno, since when did you start dating?" The man asked and Soojung wanted to cough as she smelt the terrible breath coming from his mouth.

Jeno didn't seem fazed as he grinned, a sickeningly evil grin that would have made Soojung gulp if she didn't have a character to play.

"I don't date, this is just for fun, right sweetheart?" Jeno said, turning to meet her eyes. Despite Jeno's face, he looked at her with pleading eyes.

I swear this better freaking stay between us.

"Oh, you're so funny." Soojung said in the fakest high pitched voice she could muster before giggling. She held in the urge to gag because of her terrible acting and noticed Jeno's face change ever so slightly.

It had seemed to have done the trick though as the man nodded in approval, giving Jeno a thumbs up.

"Have fun tonight." The man said, giving Jeno a toothy grin before walking away.

Soojung let Jeno guide her, still clinging to his body as they made their way to his bike since the men were still in sight. As she got on, she knew that Jeno was mad as he sped towards her place with lightening speed.

Soojung heard Jeno let out a deep sigh once his bike was parked, throwing his head back before getting off to help her.


"I'm so sorry about that." Jeno said as Soojung stepped off his bike.

"It's okay, I know you have a reputation to uphold." Soojung said.

No, it's more than that.

Jeno stared at the girl in front of him, her hand in his gloved on, the one that was warm and toasty because of her.

Can I trust her?

"Jeno, is something wrong?" Soojung asked, tilting her head as she removed her hand from his.

Even though he was wearing gloves, his hand now felt colder than before.

Jeno bit his lip, knowing that his friends thought he was sleeping with another college girl anyways.

"Do you have class early tomorrow?" Jeno asked, even though he already knew the answer since he had Jaemin's schedule.

Soojung shook her head.

"No, do you want to come in?"


"Thanks." Jeno said as Soojung placed the two mugs of tea down on the table before taking a seat on the couch beside Jeno.

The male had taken off his jacket and hoodie, sitting there in the striped long sleeve shirt and black jeans. Soojung had noticed him smoothing his hair that was ruined from his beanie while she was making her tea, entertained by how sensitive Jeno was to his outer appearance.

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