Chapter 9

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It was obviously foolish, running around the streets of Neo City at night, but to Soojung, the health of the three street cats that she had somehow built a bond with was more important to her.

Plus, being friends with Jaemin helps, right? Soojung thought as she hopped off the bus.

Soojung shivered in the cold, burying her hands in the pocket of her jacket. She could see her breath in front of her as she walked, the only sounds coming from the occasional cars zooming by.

Why is it so damn cold?

Soojung gritted her teeth as she quickened her pace, wanting to get to the cats faster.

I'm going to give them such a good meal tonight.

To make matters worse, a group of motorcycles zoomed by, and Soojung got good glimpse of gold to know it was the Phoenixes.

"Guess they just finished a deal." Soojung muttered.

She bowed her head as she walked by some men smoking and knew a part of her was regretting coming out at this hour. Even if she could safely get to the cats, she wasn't sure if she could get home in one piece.

But the cats are depending on you, Soojung thought.

She was basically running at this point, her fear and beating heart getting the best of her.

Soojung felt relief wash over her as she saw the familiar alleyway, turning into it.

The relief was short lived though as she saw the male, sitting on the ground beside the dumpster, the golden phoenix on his back shining from the lamp post above him.

It can't be.


"Bongsik, Seol, and Nal." Jeno said softly as he bent down, reaching his hand out. He smiled as they nuzzled him like usual.

They seemed to be particularly friendly today as Jeno took out the food, Bongsik even hopping out of the box and to rub its head on Jeno's leg.

"Someone feels lonely today." Jeno said to himself as he took out the cat food from his bag.

"Whoa, slow down." Jeno said as the cats at quickly from his palm. "Did the other person that comes to feed you forget to come today?"

Jeno giggled as Bongsik jumped into his lap, making a bed out of it while he fed the other two, placing food inside the small bowls in the cardboard box for them.

"You're ruining my pants." Jeno said as he saw the car fur on his black jeans, but Bongsik's wide eyes made his heart soft.

"Okay, fine, I forgive you." Jeno said as he pet the cat in his lap.

Jeno knew that the fur would trigger his allergies later but let it go, giving the cats his attention instead.

Jeno's ears perked as he heard footsteps approaching, putting a hand over the knife in his pocket.

He was surprised when he looked up to see a girl with dark red hair standing above him.

"What are you doing here?"


"I could ask you the same thing." Soojung said as one of the cats in the box came out to nuzzle her leg.

Surprise couldn't even describe how she felt about seeing Jeno there, with one of the cats in his lap.

Soojung had to do a double take, finding it hard to believe that the Jeno that had been threatening her that morning was sitting on the cold ground in front of her, talking to the cats with a smile on his face.

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