Chapter 11

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What if he has a gun?

Soojung felt her heart race as she closed the door to her room. She had just texted Jaemin, telling him that Jeno had fallen asleep on her couch.

She knew it was stupid, inviting a gang member to her place but she couldn't just let him go home when his hands were literally about to fall off from frost bite. Not to mention his bruised and blood covered knuckles.

Who did he have to beat up to get that?

Soojung's heart was taking over, beating out her brain. This didn't happen often, only when a patient needed saving.

Or when it's someone you care deeply about.

Soojung shook the thought away. She barely knew Jeno, he definitely wasn't on the list of people she deeply cared about. Quite frankly, Jeno still scared the hell out of her, one look from him and she felt her whole body freeze in sheer terror.

As Soojung returned to her room, her phone began to ring. She immediately picked it up, hoping that Jeno didn't wake up from it.

"Hello?" Soojung said, bringing the phone to her ear before looking at the caller ID.

"Are you with Jeno right now?" It was Jaemin.

"Yeah, he's sleeping on my couch right now. I think he was really tired." Soojung told him, taking a seat onto her bed.

"Wait, couch?" Jaemin asked. He sounded confused.

"Yeah, I bumped into him on the streets." Soojung said before hesistating. Jaemin should know this right, since they're best friends? "Did you know that he was feeding stray cats."

"Tch, I knew the others were lying when they said he was seeing a girl tonight." Jaemin snickered on the other side of the line.

Seeing a girl?

"What are you talking about?" Soojung asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"The boys came home without Jeno and said that he was going to see a girl so when you told me that Jeno was at your place I was really confused."

Wait, did he think...?

"Yah, did you seriously think I was sleeping with Jeno?" Soojung exclaimed, disgusted by the thought.

"No, which is why I called." Jaemin said in a cheerful voice. "Anyways, is he okay? Why is he at your place anyways?"

"He took me home after we were out in the cold for a while with the cats. His knuckles were burised and he was suffering from frostbite so I told him to come in and warm up first before going home. He ended up falling asleep though, but don't worry, I took care of his injuries." Soojung told him.

"Wait, he came in.... willingly?" Jaemin asked, clearly surprised.

"Well it took a lot of convincing but yeah." Soojung said. "Why?"

The other side was quiet for a moment so Soojung had to check and see if they were still on the call. "Jaemin?"

"Oh, uh. So you're the other person feeding the cats?" Jaemin asked.

"Yeah, that's me." Soojung said, feeling that something was off but she couldn't quite place it.

"Well, thanks for taking care of him. Let me know if you need anything." Jaemin said.

Soojung didn't even get to say bye as Jaemin hung up right away.

"Well that's weird." Soojung mumbled as she put her phone down, making sure it was on silent before going out to check on Jeno.

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