Chapter 26

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It had all happened so fast, Jeno didn't even see it coming.

One second, he was sobbing to himself. The next, he heard a click and opened his eyes to see a member of a rival gang in front of him.

"Lee Taeyong's younger brother is found alone, away from the other members. What a delight." The male snickered.

Jeno let out a deep sigh, not really having the energy to deal with someone like that man.

"It's a bit unfair, don't you think?" Jeno asked, sniffling as he wipped his tears. "You have a gun, yet here I am, unarmed."

"You Phoenixes never played it fair anyways." The man said.

Jeno looked up, glaring at the man. His hand was shaking, clearly nervous to be in Jeno's presence. Jeno couldn't hear movement around them so he knew that the man was working alone.

What an idiot.

"Are you going to shoot me or not?" Jeno asked, shoving his hands in his pockets, taking a step forward.

"Don't, don't come any closer!" The man shrieked, closing his eyes. How pathetic.

Jeno simply smirked as he cracked his knuckles, the man's finger on the trigger but another voice made them both turn.

"Jeno!" It was Haechan, Mark right behind him. Judging by the footsteps coming, Jeno could tell that Taeyong would be joining the soon.

This is not good, Jeno thought as he saw Haechan take out a knife from his pocket, Mark doing the same.

All Jeno heard was the gunshot echoing through the night before pain shot through him.

Then the world turned black.


Blood, so much blood.

Soojung followed Ayeon and Taeil into the rundown bar that served as the base of the Phoenixes, a trail of blood from the parking lot all the way to the floors inside.

Jeno's blood.

Soojung felt tears pool in her eyes as she saw Jeno lying there on the table, barely breathing. Haechan's hands were holding a cloth to his chest, hoping to stop the bleeding but all he was really doing was soaking up the blood.

"What happened?" Ayeon asked as she helped Mark take out numerous first aid kits from behind the counter.

"What happened? He was shot!" Mark exclaimed as Haechan rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, Taeyong and the hyungs took care of culprit. We just need to focus on Jeno now." Haechan said as Taeil took over from him.

"It's bad, really bad. Where's Jaemin, I don't think I can do this alone." Taeil said, glancing at the boys around him. "What?"

"Jaemin's passed out upstairs. Drunk." Haechan said, as Mark rubbed the back of his neck. Taeil gave them both a look.

"You're kidding." Taeil said but they both shook their heads. "What am I supposed to do-"

"I can help."

Soojung felt eyes turn towards her as she removed her jacket, tying her hair up so it was out of her face.

"Excuse me?" Taeil asked, clearly in disbelief.

"She's a medical student. She can do it." Ayeon said as Soojung made her way to the other side of Jeno, pushing her emotions to the side.

You're his only hope in surviving, it doesn't matter how much he hurt you, you need to try to save him.

"Are you sure?" Soojung heard Taeil whisper to Ayeon. "Especially since they, you know..."

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