Chapter 1.

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Here we go again thought Mevkibe, as three-year-old Sanem took off. This child is nothing like her six-year-old sister, Leyla. Mevkibe hurried after her baby who thought she could catch a bird. Sanem was out of her sight but as she went around the corner, she saw her and stopped with a shocked expression on her face. Her little curly-headed, dark-haired child stood holding a little bird with her tiny hand as it perched on her arm. The bird was just watching and listening as Sanem talked to it.

Her baby was saying,"Now fly away but come back to see me tomorrow." As if itunderstood her words, the bird nodded its head and flew away. Mevkibe justshook her head; this was something new. Usually butterflies,ladybugs, and lightning bugs flew into her baby's hands; this was the first bird. Sanem turned and walked toward Mevkibe saying, "Anne, birdie be back tomorrow." Then she just toddled on back to the house.

Such was the life of the Aydin parents trying to keep up with their youngest child. Mevkibe could not wait to tell Nihat the adventure that Sanem had had today. It was just one more in a long list of strange things that happened around their youngest child.

Meanwhile, Leyla was sitting at the garden table doing her First Grade arithmetic. She loved this subject in school. Sanem ran to her saying, "Sissy, I caught a bird and he is coming back tomorrow."

Leyla cried out, "No, you didn't. Stop telling stories. Anne, Sanem is making up stuff again."

Mevkibe replied, "No, this time Sanem actually held a little blue bird. I heard her talking to it too."

Sanem said, "See, Sissy. I did too! Anne, I want to go tell Baba."

Mevkibe said, "Not now sweetie. He's busy at the store. Let's go lay down for a little nap."

Sanem replied, "Okay Anne. Then I can dream about the boy that is coming to get me one day."

Mevkibe shook her head again. Since she first began talking, Sanem had been saying that someday a special boy was coming to get her.

Over the next few years, it was always the same as Sanem's parents tried to keep up with their little dreamer. It drove Leyla crazy. She even told Sanem that she was a crazy sister. All animals loved Sanem, and her parents had to keep a close watch or their house would be full of the animals that came looking for her. If Sanem was not with animals, she was always smelling and picking flowers wherever she went. 

Bugs loved her too. Even bees would sit beside her on a chair outside while she read or told them stories. Nobody in her very practical family ever understood Sanem. They all just thought she was over-dramatic and flighty.

When she was twelve years old, Mevkibe's mother Datha, Sanem's Babaanne, came for a visit with the family. Sanem had been given Datha as her middle name, which means "Born with special talent". Sanem's first name means "Perfection". Datha and Sanem both looked and acted a lot like each other. Datha stayed with the family for about a month. She spent much of the time teaching Sanem how to make her recipes for special creams and perfumes.

Datha had told Sanem that when she turned thirteen, her powers would start developing, and she would need to be very careful with them. She instructed her that she must never, ever harm anyone; and never, ever use her powers for greed or to cheat. She could right a wrong but must never change the future for someone. Because all people have a destiny of their own.

Sanem did not understand everything Datha taught her but was very careful not to hurt her Babaanne's feelings. Sanem knew her Anne had always said Babaanne was a little strange. So, Sanem was not quite sure she believed she would get any kind of powers.

Babaanne gave Sanem a little red leather book, to read and use when she did not understand something. She instructed Sanem that she must never tell anyone ever about her powers, even her own family. Someday though, she would be able to discuss them with her one true love. He would be the only one to ever understand her powers. She would become friends with him before she recognized him as her love!

After her thirteenth birthday, Sanem did begin to notice strange little things happening. Once she got mad when a boy was pulling her sister's hair, and a burst of wind knocked him down. Another time when a boy tried to take her apple, it flew up in the air and hit him in the head when it came back down. Fortunately, neither he nor anyone else ever got hurt.

One time, she found a bird that seemed to have a broken wing. She rubbed it gently while she cried over it. It was immediately healed and flew away. Sanem always wondered if it was really her that had done those things.

She read a lot in her little red book and was always surprised that every time she did, it was like a different book. She never told anyone as she knew people would think she was crazy. She knew she was not crazy. She has a photographic memory and did not forget the previous version she had read.

When she was sixteen, she spent the whole summer with her Babaanne. She learned more about how she was as special as her Babaanne and that no one else in the family had her powers. She could do things no one else could. She had a special "knowing" of when things were right and wrong, and she could always tell when people were not being truthful.

It was always a female in their family that possessed these skills, never a male. And they were only gifted to one person every other generation. This explained so much about Sanem's life and why she never fit in with her family. She learned so much the summer that she spent with her Babaanne. She grew up a lot when she realized how much responsibility she had inherited. She also learned that someday, one of her granddaughters would inherit the same powers, and she would be responsible for teaching her about them.

When she was seventeen, her Babaanne died and no one in her family could understand the devastation she felt.

As Sanem grew older,she continued to dream about a boy coming to get her. But in her dreams, he hadgrown into a man. Her dreams were very vivid except that she could never seehis face clearly. She knew his shape and the tone of his voice but not hisfacial features. She had stopped talking about her dreams because herfamily already thought she was strange anyway.


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Erkenci Kus". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Sandra @SAllen68 on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International.

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