Chapter 2.

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At the end of Chapter 1:  As Sanem grew older, she continued to dream about a boy coming to get her. But in her dreams, he hadgrown into a man. Her dreams were very vivid except that she could never seehis face clearly. She knew his shape and the tone of his voice but not hisfacial features. She had stopped talking about her dreams because herfamily already thought she was strange anyway.


Sanem has grown up in a little mahalle in Istanbul where tradition would dictate that her parents would pick out her groom. She was afraid of this idea because she was saving herself for the man she has dreamed about her whole life. When she finished college, she was fearful her parents would decide it was her time for an arranged engagement. Leyla had become engaged to marry Osman, their childhood friend. So far, no one was talking about an engagement for Sanem. She was certainly not going to bring up the topic.

Since her college degree was in creative writing, she applied for a job at the advertising agency of Fikri Harika. Leyla was already working there in the finance department. Her parents still treated her as a child and daydreamer but because of her sister being at the agency, Sanem thought her parents would agree to let her work there.

Surprisingly, she was hired immediately as a paid intern at the company. After three months, she would be eligible for a promotion to the position of an assistant creative director. She had graduated at the top of her class at university with wonderful recommendations from her professors.

Much to her dismay, her first duty at the agency was making tea and coffee for everyone. Then she was assigned to pull records, file papers, and organize accounts. After two weeks of working, she had not done anything creative yet. She mainly just stayed out of the way of everyone and did what her supervisor, Deren, assigned her to do. She actually thought this woman hated her because she always called her "the other" and never by her name. Deren always yelled a lot, but especially at Sanem.

One day when Sanem had pulled what felt like hundreds of papers and had hands full carrying them, Deren yelled very loudly for her. Startled, she jumped and dropped all of the papers on the floor. Before Deren could come around the corner and see her, Sanem clicked her fingers together very quickly. All the papers jumped back up into her hands and all in the right order.

When Deren saw her, she started yelling at her. "Where have you been? Are those in the right order? Bring them to the conference room, now!"

Sanem did not say a word but just followed Deren to the conference room. They passed CeyCey on the way and he just grinned at Sanem.  

What Sanem did not know was that the boss, Can Divit, was walking down the hall at that moment. He had heard the yelling and saw the papers falling. But he had turned his head for just a second to look at his phone and when he looked back up, Sanem was standing there with all of the papers neatly together in her hands. He shook his head as if to clear it, and decided he must have imagined what he thought he saw. He actually wondered who this girl was anyway since he had never met her before. Had Deren hired a new employee?

When he got into the conference room, Sanem was stacking the papers at the end of the table. Can asked her, "What is your name? Do you work here?"

She answered, "I am Sanem. Yes, I am an intern and hope to be an assistant creative director one day." She stood respectfully while he asked her questions about how long she had worked there and what she was doing pulling files.

Deren came in and heard the last couple of questions. She answered for Sanem saying, "She is an intern and has not been to college. So, we are using her for all kinds of things."

As he walked into the conference room behind her, CeyCey remarked to Deren, in a voice loud enough for Can to hear. "Sanem has been to college and graduated at the top of her class with a degree in creative writing. I looked up her records and put them on your desk when she started work here. I don't understand why you have been sending her to the file room so much."

Deren replied, "Oh, I didn't see them. But we need somebody to run errands and make tea, coffee anyway. Sanem, go make tea for Can Bey and coffee for everyone else." 

Can spoke up then and said to Deren, "No. I think it's time we use Sanem for the job we hired her to do." Then he said, "Sanem, have a seat and be prepared to add any ideas you have to our discussion."

Deren quickly sat down very close to Can, and CeyCey motioned for Sanem to sit down beside him further down the table. To herself, Sanem was thinking, "Why did Ms. Deren lie about knowing my qualifications?"

Deren complained, "Now who is going to make my coffee?" CeyCey answered, "I will ask the actual 'bring and take girl' to bring drinks for all of us. She has not had a lot to do recently but here she is now."

After everyone had settled at the conference room table, discussions began on an account that Sanem had pulled all of the papers for. They were for a perfume company. Can noticed that Sanem listened intently but did not contribute to the discussions or make any comments. She had pulled a notebook and pen from her pocket and he could see she was continuously writing and drawing. Then he noticed CeyCey look over at her paper and do a double take. CeyCey started motioning for Sanem to speak up but she just shook her head "No". 

After a few minutes, when no one else was contributing any ideas, Can said, "Sanem, may I see the notebook you are writing in?" He saw CeyCey elbow Sanem and her give him a frowning look. Can did try to hide his grin as he reached for the notebook.

 When he turned to the first page, he was surprised to see a drawing of an older woman and a young girl working at a table. There were pictures of flowers and plants all around the edges of the paper. The next page had drawings of cute little bottles with liquid in them and more flowers. The last page was a drawing of a store showing a young woman and a child shopping and smelling the content of the bottles. Written across the top of the page were the words, "Family Tradition."

Can looked over at Sanem and she looked back shyly. Can turned to show Deren the notebook and she looked shocked. He said to her, "Deren, Sanem needs to be given a desk and a computer to work at. This idea will be presented to our new clients as our campaign proposal. Is that okay with you, Sanem?" Then he proceeded to show and tell everyone in the room about the campaign ideas Sanem had drawn. Everyone clapped for her and commented, "Wonderful ideas".

Can then asked Sanem how she got the idea. She replied, "When I was pulling files, I remembered the name of the new client and looked up their history. I learned their company had started from family recipes that had been handed down for generations. This is where I got these ideas. Also, this is a tradition in my family as I make creams and perfumes from my family's recipes. I am so sorry, Ms. Deren. That is why it took me longer to pull the files."

Deren replied, "No, no keep thinking of these wonderful ideas and we will get along great."

Shortly after the meeting was over, CeyCey took Sanem out to the main office area. He assigned her a desk and computer right beside him.


This is a work of Fan Fiction inspired by the characters of "Erkenci Kus". All photos, videos and characters belong to their rightful owners.

Written for Can Yaman International by Sandra; @SAllen68 on Wattpad.

Edited by Mary Bloyd, Resident Editor for Can Yaman International

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