How they cuddle

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(Fun fact I was listening to heatwaves when making this lololololol)


He likes to lay his head on your lap while you play with his hair. Usually you both do this after he finishes a stream and you sit in his bed with his head in your lap while he tells you about his day or what's going on with his friends. Most of the time he will end up falling asleep on you.

"Hey bumblebee" Tubbo turns to his bed where I'm sitting and smiles, he shuts his computer off and gets up from his chair, crawling into bed with me and lays his head on my lap. I turn my phone off and put it on the desk beside me as I use one of my hands to play with his hair and the other to caress his cheek with my thumb. I can feel the smile grow bigger on his face as my hand touches his cheek. I run my fingers though his hair and he sighs. "How was the stream?" I ask "it was lots of fun, I built a home for my bees on the server!" He exclaims. "It sucks not streaming with Tommy though, even though we talk everyday it feels so different not streaming with him anymore" I can tell he's frowning. "I'm sorry Toby, I hope I can help somehow" I give him a kiss on the head. I notice his cheeks go pink. "Thank you Y/N" he says as he closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Tommy is, to put it lightly a giant, so cuddling with him is like cuddling a giant bear, but skinny. Tommy likes having you sit in his lap while he buries his head in the crook of your neck or lays his head on top of yours with his hands around your waist.

"Y/N? Can you come here please?" Tommy asks turning to you, you get up and walk over to him, "what's up Tommy?" He reaches his arms out and you smile, you put your legs in the holes of the armrests and wrap your arms around him. He chuckled and runs his fingers though your hair and lays his head on your shoulder. "Thank you" he mumbles "no problem baby" you give him a kiss on the cheek as you both relax into each other.

Wilbur likes having you lay on top of him while you are both on the couch while watching TV or just scrolling though Twitter. He also likes when you play with his hair.

"Hey Y/N, I'm home!" Wilbur calls out "Hey Wilbur" Y/N pauses the TV and gets up from the couch and goes to hug her boyfriend. They wrap their arms around each other, "I missed you" Wilbur tells her and gives her a quick kiss. "Cuddle time now" he picks you up bridal style and walks you over to the couch, laying down placing you on top of him. You snuggle into his chest and he runs his fingers though your hair and hums. You both stay like that for the rest of the day.

Literally any form of cuddling is enough for him. He is so clingy that anything is enough, but it also means he wants your attention 24/7, no matter what you were doing. Cooking? Too bad, his arms are around you and whatever you were making is left burning. Watching TV? Naw, he's on top of you smothering you in kisses. When he's streaming? He'll just get up randomly to go and hug you for 10 minutes.

"Y/NNNNN" Karl groans, you were currently reading a new book you got on the couch, you place the bookmark in-between the pages and close it, setting it down beside you, you knew what was coming, Karl runs in and jumps on you lightly and wraps his arms and legs around you. You couldn't hate Karl, he was just too cute. You wrap yourself around him too and he kisses all over your head. "I love you" he says giving you one last kiss on the lips before nuzzling his head in your neck. "I love you too ya dork"

Techno always was never one for physical affection, I guess that's how other people would see it. But he's just so deprived of physical affection that he's just not used to giving or receiving it. And he just gets way too nervous to ask for it so it just doesn't happen often. But when it does he's super snuggley and clingy, even though he doesn't want to admit it, if you need to get up he won't protest but you can tell by the look on his face he's upset. He just doesn't want to upset you. He'll only ask to cuddle you on very rare occasions.

You finally got Techno to take a break from working, "hey Y/N..." He mumbles tapping your shoulder while you both were eating dinner, you place down your fork and look up at him "yeah babe?" You reply with a mouthful of food. "Sorry" you wipe your mouth, Techno looks down at the table, his ears turning red. "After dinner can we" he pauses "can we cuddle?" His ears are redder the then the ketchup on your plate. "Oh, that's it? Baby we've been dating for two years you don't have to ask me to cuddle, I'll never say no to that" you place your hand on his and he lifts his head up and a small smile appears on his face. You clean up the dishes as Techno goes and sits down on the couch. You finish up and walk over to him as he shyly reaches his arms out to you you sit down and you both wrap your arms around each other as he lays his head on top of yours. "Thank you" he mumbles, "no need to thank me, I love you" you look at him and kiss him. "I love you too"

He likes it when you to just sit together and hold each other, sometimes in pure silence just taking each other in, or talking about your day and having fun, peacefully cuddling with Nick for a long time doesn't happen often because he starts acting up by poking you or tickling you. On the times he does cuddle for the whole day, (usually cause he was streaming late and is sleepy) he's giving you lots of kisses everywhere and specifically telling you "you're really pretty, you know that?" Making you red every time. Usually he's very vocal about when he wants to cuddle with you.

"Y/NnNNNnnNnnNN" Nick yells finishing up his stream, "yeah hun?" You yell from your room, picking up the cold remote from beside you and pausing whatever it is you were watching. "I want cuddles!!!" He yells back, you can hear the creeking noise of him getting up from his chair, and his fast footsteps heading towards your shared room. He opens the door and jumps into the bed with you, he looks at you and puckers his lips, "what do you want?" You ask him with a smirk, "I want kissys" he pouts going in for a kiss, which you quickly dodge and scramble away. "KISS ME" He yells at you and you laugh dodging his attempts to grab you. "I want kisses" he stuffs his face into the pillow and lays down. Acting like a child.
I sit down beside him and give him a kiss on the cheek, he immediately raises his head up and quickly pecks me on the lips, then grabs me by the waist and pulls me into bed with him.

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