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I went after Peter just to find him facing the carving of Aslan in the wall infront of the table Aslan died, long time ago. He had a serious look in his eyes and just kept glaring at the carving. 

"Love?" I said quietly getting closer to him."Peter?" I said a little bit more louder. He just glanced  over his shoulder to look at me. I walked up to him and  put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Don't you think you went a little too harsh on Lucy?" I asked.He turned to face me and looked at me like if it was the first time he ever saw me. 

"Sorry?" He said with a thick english accent, the accent that made me weak on my knees. "I'm being realistic, Margaret. I want to do what is best for Narnia, a little support from my wife wouldn't hurt. You are still my wife aren't you?" He said looking at me with a serious face and a look of hurt in his eyes. 

I was speechleess. How dare he question something like that? I looked at him and raised my head a little higher. 

"I don't know you tell me... I'm I your wife?  Do you still want me to be your wife? After I took over this Narnian country for so many years?" I said raising my voice a little higher. 

"Then, why don't you have this? Why did you took it off?" Peter said showing me my wedding  and engagement ring. I looked at it and my sight started to get blurry with tears. 

"My rings... I thought I lost them after he..." I said wiping my tears from my eyes.  Peter's face softened when he saw my tears.  He got a little closer and wipe them with his thumbs. 

"After what?" He whispered, his face getting closer to me. I saw his blue concern eyes. 

"After he killed  me" I finished. Peter had a mix of emotions on his face. making him look more older that he was. I saw guilt, sadness and then anger. He then huged me put my head on his chest and he put his chin over my head. 

"Then why do you have so much affection to that telmarine?After all they have done to you?" He said referring to Caspian. I step away from him and looked at him. I didn't speak, so he continued. 

"I've seen the way he looks at you. the way you smile at each other. Like if you were special to each other" Peter said looking away. 

"BECAUSE WE ARE!" I screamed at him. "He was like my son for so many years. I took care of him, educate him to be the best ruler. I showed him about Narnia so he can rule this country, I taught him to be humble and kind, strong and wise. He is who he is, thanks to the professor and myself. He is not like his ancestors. So next time you question his decitions, know that he was educated by me , the same way I educated our son. Our son...his name was Peter. He looked so much like you. Caspian remind me so much of him, so of course I would defend Caspian like my own son. Caspian has no one, he only has me and the professor." I said looking down. I dind't want to show weakness. 

"So you believe, that we should stay here and wait for the telmar soldiers to kill us?" Peter said crossing his arms. 

"I just want the best option to protect this people. There are children and women here, not just soldiers" I said crossing my arms on my chest. 

"And the best option is to go over there and strike before they strike us" Peter said a little bit more louder and getting closer to me. 

"I lived in that castle for almost ten years and noone has been able to take it down. " I said  getting closer to Peter. 

Peter ran his hands over his blond hair and walked one way to another, getting frustrated.

"DON'T YOU GET IT? THERE IS ALWAYS A FIRST TIME" Peter screamed at me.  I don't know what happened but I ran to Peter and started to push him while I was crying.He was in shock. 

"DON'T YOU GET IT? I DON'T WANT TO LOOSE YOU AGAIN? I HATE LOOSING THE PEOPLE I LOVE. AND I LOVE YOU! Please, I'm tired of loosing the people I love" I whispered while I cried and fell on my knees. Peter ran to me and sat on the floor, then he picked me up and sat me on his lap. I cried on his shoulder like a little girl, remembering my mother, my son, Peter, the professor, everyone. I felt like I was showing to much emotion. I was just so tired of everything. 

"Shh. Love, is okay... " Peter said on my ear. "Everything is going to be alright. I promise, I will be back, I will bring Edmund, Susan and Caspian safe. " He whispered on my ear. 

"I will go with you.." I said. 

"No, you have to protect Lucy and the How. We don't know if any soldiers would come, while we are gone. Someone needs to leader in case, you need to fight. " Peter said caressing my face. 

"But... " I started. 

"No buts, don't be stubborn and stay here, please" Peter said looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes that remind me so much of the ocean. That face that I dreamed so many night back home. 

"Okay" I said giving up. He smiled and kissed me, softly and then more passionately, running his hands on my back and legs. I ran my hands on his hair, then we stopped to catch some air. He looked at me with so much love.

"Maggui?" He asked. 

"Yes?" I said. 

"I would never stop loving you, even if we are mad at each other. I will love you in this life and in another, in another and another" He said kissing all over my face and making me giggle like a little girl. "I would always want you to be my wife. Forever" He said slidding the rings on my finger. I looked at them and giggle. 

"They fit, a little too big" I said. 

"We were older back then, that is why I have mine in this necklace" he said showing me his necklace with his wedding ring on it. 

I then took my Protector necklace, the one that my mother gave me and put my rings on it.We smiled at each other and get up. Then we walked hand in hand back to the others. 

"Well, looks like you guys made up. It sounded like you were fighting like  a married old couple. " Edmund said joking. 

"Shut up" Peter said laughing.

"We are married after all" I said smiling at the siblings. I looked around and didn't see Caspian. I asked for Caspian. 

"He is getting ready" Susan said looking away. Lucy and I smirked at each other. "Shut up, both of you" Susan said trying to hide the smile. Lucy and I started laughing. Then the boys and everyone started to get ready. 

I saw Caspian and walked up to him. He was near a horse.  He then  knowledge my  presence. 

"I didn't want to cause you trouble" Caspian said looking down at me, since he is taller than me.

"Don't worry. Everything is fine. When you get married, you will understand" I said resting my hand on his cheek. He looked at me and then smiled. He told me that he was ready and went with Peter, Edmund and the soldiers. then went through the plan. 

"Bring the professor back" I said to Caspian while I hugged him. "And please be safe" I said worried like a mother would be. 

Caspian smiled and kissed my cheek. "I will, mother" He said smilig at me. I couldn't help it and hugged him again tight. I remebered when he used to call me that when he was younger. Then I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked and saw Edmund with a rise eyebrow and Peter looking away, jelousy in his eyes. 

I went to Susan, Edmund and hugged them. Then I went to Peter and kissed him with so much passion that I left him in shock. I whispered in his ear. "Remember your promise. Bring everyone safe and you will receive many of this kisses" 

He nodded his head with some red in his cheek. "Yes my Queen" He said. He hugged me and they left. I hope everything goes well....


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