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Lucy and I were waiting for them to come. I had a bad feeling about this night. I was playing with my necklace when we heard that the troops were coming. We went outside just to see half of the soldiers that went. I looked at Peter who just looked down and then I saw Caspian's face that was devastated. 

Lucy and I went to meet them when we heard Caspian and Peter argue. 

"What happened?" asked Lucy. 

"Ask him" said Peter, looking at me and his face showed how upset he was.

"Me? You could've called it off. There was still time" Caspian said.

"No, there wasn't, thanks to you. If you kept to the plan, those soldiers might be alive right now." Peter said getting closer to Caspian. 

"If you'd stayed here like I suggested, they definitely would be! " Caspian screamed at Peter. 

"You called us, remember" Peter said at Caspian 

"My first mistake" Caspian said looking at Peter right in the eye. 

"Caspian! " I gasped. 

"No, your first mistake was thinking you could lead these people" Peter said walking away. 

"Peter!" I said looking at him 

"Hey!" Caspian screamed which made Peter turn around to face him. "I am not the one who abandoned Narnia and left his wife and son to die." Caspian said. 

I was speechless and I looked at Caspian and Peter. Peter looked at me and then pointed a finger to Caspian. 

"You invades Narnia. You have no more right to lead it than Miraz does!" Peter said while Caspian pushed him away and started walking to the entrance. "You, him, your father... Narnia's better off without the lot of you" Peter said. The mention of his father made Caspian turn around and took off his sword. Peter took out his sword as well. 

"STOP IT!! BOTH OF YOU!!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me. Then my eyes landed on the dwarf that the Centaurs had in his arms. It was Lucy's little friend.She ran and went to give him some of her healing liquid, which made him much better. 

Caspian went inside the How and I looked at Caspian and Peter. I was torn. I decided to go with Caspian. He has no one and Peter had his siblings. I was about to go when Peter grabbed my arm. I looked at his hand in my arm and then at him. 

"Peter, let go. I have to talk to Caspian." I whispered to my husband. He still kept me still. 

"Stay with me. " Peter said looking at my face. 

"I said, LET GO! " I screamed at Peter, making him let go. I went to look for Caspian but I couldn't find him. I was about to go where the sacrifice table was when a centaur came to me. 

"Your majesty. We don't have enough food. We must go and look for some. Shall I get you horse ready?" the centaur came. 

"Yes. And ask for some soldiers to come with us" I said walking to get  my sword. 

"Shall I tell King Peter?" the centaur said. 

"No" I just said and went to the room where my sword was. I grabed it and was about to go out when Peter came and walked to me. 

"Love, Maggui" Peter said getting close. 

"Stop it, Peter. Don't call me "love" I'm tired of your childish behavior. I mean Caspian is a boy but you? You should be more mature. You should think who you are doing this for. Your people of yourself?" I said pushing him away and walking to get my horse. I left Peter alone while I went to look for food. 

When I came back I sense that the atmosphere was thick. 

"What happened?" I asked Lucy. 

"The white witch wanted to come back to life" Lucy said hugging me.  I stood and looked at Peter and Caspian. Both looked guilty. Caspian went outside and the professor loooked at me and smiled. 

"I will go with him, your majesty. You should go with the king. " The professor said bowing his head. 

I smiled and looked at Peter who sat  where the table was looking at the carving of Aslan. I  decided to sit down with him. 

"Lucy is lucky, you know" Peter said. 

"What do you mean?" I asked putting my head on his shoulder. I wasn't mad anymore. 

"She has seen him. I wish he'd just given me some sort of proof. " Peter said looking down at his hands. 

"Maybe we're the ones who need to prove ourselves to him" I said grabing his hand. We both looked at the carving. Then Peter looked at me and kissed me softly. 

"I'm sorry, if I'm stubborn. I'm sorry if I make you mad. I love you" Peter said. 

" I'm sorry if I called you inmature. And I also love you" I said touching his face with my hands. 

He then putted his forehead with mine and then whispered the words that made my heart fluttered. 

"I love you in this life and in the next one" He said in his british accent. I kissed him softly and then hugged. It felt good having his arms around me. 

"Ummm.. sorry to interrupt but Peter, you should come quick" Edmund said making Peter and I looked at each other. This was not good. 


The Protector of Narnia II (Prince Caspian)Where stories live. Discover now