Mother's Day (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 1.9k

Author's Note: I got a request about how Harry and bub would treat Y/N on their special day, so here it is! Hope you enjoy. Take care and TPWK.

She was dreaming so peacefully. Dreaming of the quaint hut in Tahiti that she'd spent two weeks in during her honeymoon. She could feel the hot, Polynesian sun beating down on her bare back and the cool, refreshing taste of the fresh fruit that was delivered to their suite each morning. Her head was fogged with only images of him. How they'd spent so much time wrapped up in one another during that time that they'd sometimes forget to leave the comfort of their pillowy, plush bed for anything besides another glass of wine or champagne.

She had never been happier during that time in her life. It was just her and her new husband exploring the island and nothing else mattered. There were no goodbyes that needed to be said before leaving for a lengthy tour, no business meetings that ate up hours and hours of their designated alone time, no distractions whatsoever besides how enticing each other's bodies looked to one another.

Her mind took her to the waterfall that they'd discovered on accident. They had just been wandering around the tropical forest looking at the greenery when they'd stumbled upon the most ethereal cove they had ever seen. No time was wasted, they knew exactly what they needed to do. They stripped stark naked and dove right in, unafraid of whoever might stumble upon their pile of clothes and shoes and suspect them of doing something they shouldn't. She swears she can feel the water lapping around her as she chased her newlywed husband towards the center of the waterfall. She can feel the way the heavy droplets of water pulsed around her arms as she tested its strength. She can feel the way the water poured down on her face as she–

Wait, no.

What she had thought was a tranquil memory of her honeymoon and the otherworldly waterfall she had swum in was not a dream but more so her two-year-old swatting at her forehead and chin with her tiny, pudgy hands. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted by not one, but two identical pairs of emerald green ones.

"Happy Mother's Day," Harry sang as he realized she was coming to.

The toddler banged her hands against Y/N's face in excitement of hearing her father's voice, to which Y/N quickly grabbed her palms and held them away from her to keep from being smacked around by her child any longer.

"Thank you, lovie," she mumbled back sleepily.

She quickly reached up and kissed the child that was sat up beside her and let her lips linger in the air just a bit longer so Harry could plant one on her as well before she fell back onto the feathery down of her pillow. Harry had perched himself up on his elbows as he laid on his stomach near Y/N's chest. He watched as his girls snuggled tightly into each other, Y/N's arm wrapping protectively around his little bub's back and resting against her diaper-clad bum. They had really been pushing for potty-training as of late, but it always resulted in too many accidents that they weren't always so quick to catch.

"Ye' wanna give mummy her present?" Harry asked the curly-headed baby that was currently rubbing the pendent attached to Y/N's chest between her chubby fingers.

"Mummy present!" she squealed, quickly jerking her head up from where it was resting in the crook of Y/N's shoulder.

She hit Y/N's nose on the way up, but Y/N was used to being borderline bullied by her growing child and chose not to make a scene about it. Harry handed their daughter the gift bag that had been resting on Harry's nightstand, to which she teetered across the mattress to return back to her mother.

"Here go, mummy!"

Her ability to speak full sentences was far from perfect, but enough to make Harry and Y/N lose their minds at how cute it was each and every time she tried to talk like a grown-up.

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