Untamable Hair and Accidental Facetimes (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 2.4k

"Baby, ye' gotta sit still," Harry huffed as he resituated his daughter on the bathroom counter for probably the fifth time that morning.

She was normally a patient and well-behaved child despite her ripe age of three, but today she was really showing her age.

"Want mummy do it!" she whined, smacking her pudgy toes against the inside of the sink.

"I know ye' want mummy t' do it. I want mummy to do it too, but she had t' go t' work early. 'S just me and you today."

Harry reached for the spray bottle filled with water with his right hand while keeping a firm grasp on his daughter's unruly head of curly hair with his left, determined to tame the frizzy strands that seemed to have run wild while she slept the night before. A ponytail shouldn't be this fucking hard. Should it?

He spritzed the bottle a few inches away from her head, trying to smooth down the baby hairs that littered her hair line. And he almost had it. That was, until his daughter tucked her head downward in agitation and caused Harry to lose his grip and the poofy tufts of chocolate brown hair to fall once more around her forehead and ears.

A exaggerated (but not really, it was well-deserved) groan erupted from Harry's chest, and a feeling of defeat washed over him. He rubbed his tired eyes with the knuckles on his fingers. It wasn't a big deal and he knew that, but the fact that he couldn't do his daughter's hair was making him feel like a failure of a father.

"What's it gonna take for ye' to stop squirmin', huh? Will ye' just be good so daddy can do your hair and we can get ya t' nana's?"

She was getting restless now, the hard stone making her tiny bum ache and her attention span dwindle down to the point of non-existance.

"Daddy, I want dowwwwwn," she fussed as she balled her hands into fists and hit them on her knees in protest.

"I've got t' fix your hair, lovie. Can't have it hangin' in your eyes. Just be still for a few seconds. Ye' know what? Here. Play with this."

Harry fished his cell phone out of his back pocket and placed the sleek device in his child's lap. He was normally against letting her mess with his phone in fear that she'd accidentally delete an important file or call one of the dozens of influential figures he had saved in his contacts, but at this point he'd do just about anything to make her stop moving so that he could put her damn hair up.

Her eyes seemed to light up when she realized what she now held in her possession, fingers moving quickly to unlock the screen and cause whatever damage her heart desired. It didn't take her long to realize that unlike her mother's, Harry's phone was locked with a passcode and she was unable to get into it.

"Fix it, daddy!" she exclaimed, raising the phone over her shoulder while Harry had finally managed to regather her hair into a somewhat presentable bundle.

He cursed under his breath and let her curly mane go once more, then took the phone back from his daughter. It was unlocked and back in her arms in a few seconds flat, to which Harry's millionth attempt at corraling the curls he undoubtedly passed down to her began.

In an instant, she'd forgotten all about how antsy she was, now busying herself by opening random apps that caught her eye and pressing random keys that meant absolutely nothing to her because she was a three year old that couldn't read, but it didn't deter her from thinking she was a proper adult doing adult things on her very own cell phone.

Harry let out a sigh of relief when she seemed completely content, reaching once more for the spray bottle to rewet the comb he had been using to smooth over his daughter's scalp. She put up no fight when he pulled her hair taut against her head, almost as if she had forgotten he was even there as her pudgy fingers tapped away on the glass screen.

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