Game Night (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 3.8k

Warnings: use of alcohol, obnoxious fluff, mentions of smut

Author's Note: Just some tooth-rotting dad!Harry drunkenly loving on his wife and his bubby in front of his friends for you all! Based on that video of Harry from Boxing Day. I hope you all enjoy and that everyone is doing well and doing their best to stay positive as of late. Take care and tpwk!

Game nights at Harry's had been a longstanding tradition for a while now. At least once a month, with everyone's schedules permitting, the gang would gather over for drinks and some form of a party game. They'd all get obnoxiously drunk, shouting at the top of their lungs and no doubt annoying the piss out of Harry's neighbors. It was a time they all considered near and dear to their hearts, even if it was getting rowdy over a game of charades and glasses of whiskey.

Harry actually met Y/N at one of these sacred game nights. Sarah had dragged her along, claiming that she needed to get out of the house more and that she felt like her friend Harry might be someone she could hit it off with. She was right; she always is. From the second Harry first saw her in his kitchen, nervously leaning against the cabinets with her arms crossed over her chest while Sarah poured her a drink from the assortment of liquor he had laid out on the counter, he knew that she was going to be someone special in his life. The way he caught her stealing glances at him from across the table while they played a shit game of poker was not lost on him either. Her nose scrunched up when she snickered at him each time he drew a card that didn't help his hand one bit, the way she tensed up when he put his hand on her back to get up from the table to refill his glass, the way she heat noticeably climbed up her neck and onto her cheeks when he called her love before she went home for the night. She wanted to get to know him, he knew that. And he wanted to know her too. And so they did.

It's been nearly nine years since her first game night, and so much has changed since then. Game night doesn't take place in Harry's bachelor pad in London, it takes place in the home he owns with Y/N, the love of his life and after months of pleading on his part, his wife of five years. He wanted to marry her after knowing her for nearly a year and even though she knew that they were end game for each other, she still made him wait it out for a few more years before finally giving him a, "yes." It's not just the two of them in the house, either. They've got a four-year-old son, whom Harry and anyone that's met him claims he is the sweetest little bub that he's ever laid eyes on. His heart is as pure as the sky is blue, and his smile can light up even the darkest of places and people. Harry wouldn't even hesitate to tell anyone that regardless of how many arenas he's sold out or how many plaques he has in his music room that represents how influential his music has become, his child will always be the thing he is the proudest of.

While everyone's lives have changed over the years, most getting married, some having children, some having moved away and some new faces added to the mix, game night is still a tradition to Harry and his close-knit group of friends. Sure, they can't get too plastered because there are small children in the upstairs playroom that need to be driven home safely and their knees and back aren't what they used to be so they can't rough house or else they'll end up with aching muscles in the morning, but the quality time that they spend together is still just as important. Harry's finally gotten to a point where he can just slow down and breathe and be the man that his friends and family need him to be, so he still invites everyone over from time to time to keep in touch and reinforce the relationships he has with his loved ones.


No one had noticed when Harry's son had slipped away from his friends in his playroom and snuck downstairs for another cookie that Gemma had brought over. They were his favorite, which is why she baked them for tonight's occasion and exactly why he loved his Aunt Gemma so much. He wasn't being as sneaky as he'd thought, however, because Harry had heard the foil that covered the platter rustling behind him and craned his neck to decipher which one of the handful of kids that had come over tonight were helping themselves to another sweet. He had a pretty good idea exactly who it was, but he just needed confirmation.

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