First Dance

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Word Count: 1.1k

"Harry!" she huffed for the millionth time that evening, "You've got to take this seriously. We've only got a few weeks left."

Harry rolled his eyes and smacked his peppermint gum loudly, signifying that he was willing to be anything but serious. It was currently 2 o'clock in the morning which was apparently, the perfect hour for an impromptu dance lesson.

"Baby," he reassured her, "I promise ya, everything's gonna be fine."

"It's not going to be fine when you trip over your own feet at our fucking wedding, H."

The talk of his wedding, their wedding, caused the infamous dimples on Harry's cheeks to show themselves along with a cheeky grin. Despite being engaged for over a year now, he still got the same fluttering feeling in his chest whenever the topic was mentioned. Whether it was listening to Y/N talk about what color table runners to have at the reception or whether or not to invite his cousin's girlfriend's brother, Harry could listen for days on end. The mere thought of seeing Y/N dressed in white and walking down the aisle along a trail of flower petals towards him made his heart soar.

"Alright," Harry threw his hands up in surrender, "I'll be good this time."

"Thank you," his lover snided.

The couple made their way back into the proper position, with one of Harry's hands on her hips and the other holding her left hand up towards his face. Y/N had chosen some soft melody to guide them along, something Harry thinks he might have heard her listen to when she was curating their reception playlist a few days ago, but he wasn't quite sure.

As the music broke up the silence of the night, the two of them slowly began to sway back and forth with their best effort to match each other's footsteps. Things were actually going quite well this time. Harry was able to pace himself instead of stepping on Y/N's bare feet like he had been. He'd remembered what their instructor had told them about counting off the beat in his head, and it was working for him. They almost made it a whole 45 seconds without any trouble, that is, until Harry decided to let his arm that was wrapped around Y/N's waist travel south towards her bum to give it a firm squeeze.

"HARRY!" she yelled well over the volume of the music playing from the speaker.

Harry burst into a fit of giggles before he realized she was actually pissed. He was able to catch her before she stomped out of the room, gripping both of her elbows in his large, ringed hands.

"Wait, angel," he called for her.

"No, H. I'm going to bed."

She sounded hurt. And it broke Harry's heart. Suddenly, he became aware of the fact that while he thought he was just taking the piss with what he perceived to be a bullshit practice run, he's neglected to take into account how much this meant to Y/N. How important it was that their first dance as husband and wife was a moment to remember for a lifetime.

"Just one more time. I promise I'm good for it. I'm sorry," his tone was much more serious this time.

Y/N hesitated. She never minded his playfulness. She adored it, really. But to her, first dances at weddings were the best part. And for Harry to disregard how important this was to her struck her deep in her core.

"Fine, but I mean it. If you try and pull anything else, you're on the couch tonight."

"Deal," Harry responded without skipping a breath.

Harry took the liberty to restart the song. This time, he was much more tender this time, caressing her hip in a way that made him think she might break if he held on too tight. Harry tried his damndest to pull this off. Every inch of him strived to make sure he kept the right amount of distance between them and that he pushed and pulled when he needed to.

Soon enough, they'd danced longer than they ever had at once and Harry's nerves dissipated. It was much easier than Harry had thought, he only needed to put the right amount of effort into it like he was now. He let his eyes wander away from the floor where they were focused and they ended up landing on the glimmering rock adorning his future wife's ring finger. It fit her perfectly, style and size. Harry would never forget the turmoil he endured trying to pick it out for her, nor could he forget the overwhelming sense of relief he felt when she'd told him it was exactly how she'd envisioned her engagement ring to look like ever since she was a teenager.

Harry brought her hand closer to his face so he could kiss her fingertips that were laced in between his with his baby pink lips. She felt the beginnings of his stubble graze her skin, but she didn't mind.

"You're gonna look so pretty at our wedding. In your white dress and your hair all done up," his voice was low and his accent rang thick throughout the room.

"You haven't seen my dress yet, H," she said with a click of her tongue, "And who says I'm wearing my hair up?"

"I don't need to see your dress t' know that you'll still be the most beautiful girl on this Earth."

Y/N's heart soared in her chest. Harry was the only man she'd ever met that had made her feel the way she did when she was with him. Even his presence could perk up her mood, however bad it may be. There was nothing more comforting to her than being in his arms. Like how she was now.

There was a comfortable silence between them. Y/N now had her head lying on Harry's shoulder, and their dancing had turned into lazy swaying in the dimly lit space of their kitchen where they had decided to have the impromptu dance practice. Neither of them knew how much time had passed before they realized it was nearing 3 o'clock in the morning.

Y/N was the one to break away, much to both hers and Harry's chagrin. She reached over to turn off the music that had been playing on a loop this whole time before turning back to Harry.

"Thank you for being serious this time," her voice was laced with sleepiness, "Let's go to bed."

Harry took her outstretched hand in his as they walked up the stairs together.

"No, thank you," he countered her.

"For what?"

"For loving me enough to be the one beside you for your first dance.

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