You Can't Drink When You're Pregnant

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Word Count: 2.3k

"There she is!"

His voice is drowned out by clanking glasses and the heavy bass of whatever rock song was playing through the shitty speakers in the corner of the room, but it was unmistakable nonetheless. Followed by his "greeting" were the shouts and howls of the rest of the bunch, most of them raising their glass in honor of her (late) arrival.

"My ex-girlfriend!"

Harry, despite his inebriated state, smiled widely and welcomed her as protectively as he always had in the past few weeks - relieving her person of any bags or extra weight, this time being her coat and purse which he hung on the brass hooks underneath the bar table, and inspecting her facial expression for any signs of discontent or worry. He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when he kicked his "dad-mode," tendencies into overdrive, but it certainly began on that rainy, Thursday night in their shared bathroom as they sat against the wall of the bathtub with four positive pregnancy tests in both of their hands.

"Really wish you'd stop calling me that, Har," she sneered as he helped her shake her arms loose from her coat.

"One of these days you're gonna cause a scene."

"'S true, though," the drunken boy giggled.

"You're not m' girlfriend anymore. You're my fiance."

She shook her head and rolled her eyes at his antics, intending to pull him in for a quick hug and kiss when her attention was drawn away from her curly-headed brunette and towards the man of the hour.


"Hello, birthday boy," her voice was mellow against the drunken slur that had started to take over her friend, Mitch's.

"'S not very nice of you to be late to my party," he slurred as he pulled her in rather harshly for a bone-crushing hug.

"Sorry, got caught up with some work stuff," Y/N managed to get out through a chuckle in between Mitch's squeezing.

She saw Harry stiffen out of the corner of her eye, like he was torn between yelling something akin to, "Take it easy on her, mate. She's pregnant for christ's sake," or letting the interaction play out. He knew he wasn't allowed to do the former, as they'd agreed to wait until they could have all of their friends and family over at the same time to tell them the good great news, so Harry opted to let Mitch hug her extra tight despite his unrealistic, dramatic worries that he'd crush her fragile frame or hurt the baby in some way. She made sure to send a reassuring smile Harry's way when Mitch let her go from his grasp.

Short and sweet was her greeting to Sarah, both of them opting to kiss one another on the cheek.

"Let me see it one more time," her voice was quiet amongst the chatter of the bar, almost sounding like a whisper.

Y/N felt the heat climbing to her cheeks as she let Sarah take her hand in hers to examine the ring on her fourth finger. The band was gold and slim, adorned with a dainty yet sizeable single diamond in the very center.

"So pretty," she gushed, admiring the way the gem flittered, even in the dim, tungsten-glow of the bar.

Y/N muttered a quiet "thank you," before making her away back to the other side of the table where Harry was waiting for her with an outstretched arm, yearning to get back to what they had been doing before Y/N had to make her rounds.

As he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, Y/N caught wind of the tequila on his breath. She tasted it too, when she pecked his lips quickly and - oh god, did she taste stout as well? Maybe she'd end up taking care of him later tonight when his head was stuck in the toilet, but that seemed plenty fair considering how often Harry had been doing the same exact thing for her here lately.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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