An Interview in Self-Isolation with Zane Lowe (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 2.2k

Author's Note: What a quarantine video with Harry and his family would look like! Hope you enjoy and it's not too confusing, as this isn't my typical writing style, but I tried my best to make it worth your while. Take care and TPWK.

"Harry, can ye' hear me alright?" Harry heard Zane Lowe's voice fill his right ear as he readjusted his headphones.

"Yeah, I can hear ya," he responded, running his fingers through his hair once everything was situated and his laptop was balanced perfectly on his knee.

"I've just been video calling and chatting it up with everyone on how they're navigating the pandemic, so I'm very thankful you've agreed to join in."

"'S no problem. Thank you f' having me."

"Oh!" Zane interjected his own strain of thought, "I see you've brought a special guest for us today," he said when Harry's screen finally focused and he was able to see everything on Harry's end.

Harry chuckled, the dimples on either corner of his mouth growing wider at the mention of the sleeping body on his chest that's got a fuzzy blanket tucked into their sides and draped over Harry's upper half.

"I have," Harry agreed, "Though he's not gonna be worth much. Being a two-year-old is exhausting apparently."

He gave the toddler a few gentle pats on the back and continued to look at Zane through the webcam.

"This is your son, right?" Zane asked.

"Who? Him?" Harry asked, nodding his head in the direction of his child, "Nah. Found him on the street."

Both men laughed, but Harry tried to lower his volume as to not wake up his son.

"Well, he looks an awful bit like you t' be a stray, don't ye' think?"

"I suppose the curls are quite convincing, aren't they?" Harry sighed, playfully rolling his eyes.

"What's brought your bubs along with you for this interview?"

"Erm," Harry thought, wondering if he should be talking this much about his personal life but ultimately deciding it wasn't too invasive, "Y/N's been pretty tired lately, so I'm just trying to keep him out of her hair so she can rest. He's going through a phase where he's very clingy right now so he'd probably be crying f' me at some point if I left him in his room."

"Oh, that's right!" it suddenly dawned on Zane, "You two are expecting again, aren't you?

"We are," Harry smiled softly yet proudly into the screen, "'s kinda scary for us right now, but we're hoping everything is cleared up before it's time."

"Yeah, yeah. I was just about to say right now's probably not the greatest time to be havin' a baby."

"Well, the baby's not due for a few more months so I think everything'll be alright, but it's still just kinda nerve-wracking ye' know?"

"Absolutely," Zane added, "This has all got t' be tough on your guys; having to self-isolate with a toddler plus having one on the way."

"Ehh, it's not so bad," Harry countered, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles as he spoke. "We've been spending a lot of time t'gether, which is pretty great. I just got done with all of the album promo, so I'd already been gone for a while. Plus, I was about to leave for tour for like a month so we were kinda sad about having to say goodbye before, but now I don't have to. We talk to our families a lot and keep in touch with everyone pretty regularly so we don't feel like we're going too crazy."

"Good! That's good."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"I was going to ask you about tour actually. You've pushed the European leg of your Love on Tour to next year, is that correct?"

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