I Want Your Belly (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 2.2k

Author's Note: Oddly specific, kinda weird, sappy sweet. Harry asks Y/N to join him in the Watermelon Sugar music video. It was a bit hard to write due to the nature of the scenario, but I hope you find it just as cute as I did. Take care and TPWK.

Even in January, the California heat is brutal and unforgiving. Sure, being by the ocean where the momentum of the cool waves cast a light breeze does something to midigate the miserable feeling of feeling like the sun's rays are going to burn you alive, but it's only a crumb of salvation really. We're talking sweat running down the backs of your kneecaps, legs painfully sticking to the seat of whatever chair you're sitting in, not enough water in the world to keep you from being dehydrated hot. But she wanted to be there.

She'd been oggling him from her sand chair for the past forty-five minutes. I mean, who isn't oggling him when they see him tracing his fingers coyly over the flesh of a sweet, ripe watermelon. He'd been glancing in her direction in between nearly every take, smirking at her through his aqua-tinted sunnies and wondering if what she was seeing made her reconsider the offer he'd been begging her to take him up on for weeks. All she would give him back was her iconic side-eye before she'd go back to reading the novel in her lap and occasionally picking at the bowl of freshly-cut fruit she'd swiped from the prop table.

"And that's a wrap on scene one!" one of the directors called out over the crashing waves.

Harry did what was proper - shaking hands and bowing heads and saying his 'thank you's before all but jogging over to where she was sat underneath the oversized pale-blue gingham printed umbrella.

"Change yeh mind yet?"

He had his hands on his hips, fingers resting on hem of the crochet-knit tank top he'd chosen himself for the occasion. She waited until she finished the page she was on before even daring to peer up at him through her sunglasses.

"How are you not dying in those pants?" was all that Y/N gave in response before going back to her book.

"'M absolutely wretched down there if that's what you're askin. But yeh didn't answer my question, lovie."

She sighed heavily, dog-earring her place in her novel and casting it aside it in the sand before leaning up to rest her elbows on her knees.

"I just don't know why you want me to be in it so badly. This is your video. If I'm in it, everyone's gonna go crazy and it'll be an even bigger shit show in the press than it's already going to be."

This made Harry crouch down to her level, his white loafers digging even deeper into the sand as he leaned on his haunches.

"That's exactly why I want yeh t' be in it. 'S my video and that's what I want. Want this t' be fun and it would be even more fun if I had m' girl with me."

She stared at him, silently giving him her please drop it look, but it only spurred him on further.

"If it'll make yeh feel any better, I'll make sure you're not in it a bunch when it comes 'round t' editing. Barely put yeh up close too."

That was enticing,Y/N could admit. He'd surely let her have the final say in how much she was involved, but there was still a lot of stress that came with being on camera. Especially in her state. She knew she wasn't exactly hiding anything, as they'd been spotted countless times in public and their friends had posted photos to their stories with her body clearly visible in them, but some things she'd rather not shine a direct spotlight on. Doing something like this would most definitely be putting her business on display for the world to see, and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that.

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