Fried Rice and...Kiwi? (dad!Harry)

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Word Count: 2.5k

Author's Note: Something short and sweet in honor of HS1's third birthday. I came across this gif earlier today and all I could think about was lying on Harry's tummy and listening to him talk about the album. Hence, this fic was born. Obviously, I had to turn it into dad!Harry, because that's all I can manage to do ever. Like, literally ever. But, regardless! Enjoy, take care, and TPWK. gif by ​!!!

Three sequential knocks on the weighted, wooden door broke up the playful banter occurring in the studio. It wasn't a request to enter, more so a signal of arrival and a warning - she was coming in whether they liked it or not.


Smells of grease and soy sauce filled the nostrils of everyone inside as she cautiously maneuvered her way around discarded instruments and cords and towards the coffee table with a both arms full of enough take out to feed a small army.

"God, thank you! You're the best! Been starvin' all day," Jeff piped up from the armchair he'd been sitting in.

"Genuinely! You didn't have to come all the way across town to bring us dinner," Sarah added, hair aloof and sticking up around her head as if she'd been running her fingers through it incessantly over the past few hours.

"Well, someone," Y/N sneered, cutting her eyes back to Jeff, "keeps stealing my man away from me and I'm tired of waiting for him at home, so I figured I'd just pay him a visit here instead."

"A simple, 'You're welcome, Jeff,' would've done ya just fine!" he sarcastically fired back as the rest of the room doubled over in laughter.

Harry was up and out of the cushion he'd been slumped back in to grab the paper bags that were balanced on top of his girlfriend's arms so he could take her hands in his and guide her towards him.

"Tip your driver?" she cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips down at him when he sat back down.

"Hmmm," Harry toyed with her comment, pretending to pat down his pockets in search for change, "'Ve only got my undying love and affection and an endless amount of kisses. Will that do?"

"I suppose," Y/N huffed, leaning in to press her lips chastely against his.

"Okay, let's see if I got this right," she directed her attention back to the group as she fished around the bags of food.

"Beef and broccoli for Mitch?" The long-haired, almost-resembling-jesus brunette smirked and nodded as he leaned over to take the white carton from her hands.

"Kung Po chicken with extra sauce for Sarah," Y/N stated confidently. She knew that one for certain.

Sarah bowed graciously as she swiped a handful of duck sauce from the bag after taking her order from Y/N.

"Hot and Sour soup for Adam and Jeff."

She handed Adam the plastic tub of hot liquid as if she was presenting him a sacred piece of treasure and cast Jeff's soup away dramatically as if to say she was still fake-mad at him for keeping Harry holed up in the studio for long hours and couldn't care less if he spilled the damn thing in his lap or not.

"You're too kind," Jeff scoffed, earning a pointed middle finger in his direction from Y/N.

"And last but certainly not least," she grabbed the two remaining cartons by the thin metal handles and presented one to Harry, "Veggies for the boy."

"Thank you, lovie," Harry responded earnestly as he grabbed utensils for the both of them, chopsticks for him and a fork for her (he'd tried to teach her more times than he could count to use chopsticks properly but she could never quite get the technique down successfully) and dug into the steaming heap of vegetables packed to the brim of the container.

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