
1.5K 21 1

Word Count: 1.7k

Warnings: tiny mention of smut (at the end)

Just as she was finishing up her makeup in the bathroom before work, an unflattering photo of her longtime boyfriend wearing a bright green face mask illuminated her phone screen, signifying that he was trying to facetime with her. The photo always made her laugh no matter how hard her day had been, so she'd set it as his contact photo.

"Hello my beautiful boy," Y/N sang when the call adjusted and she could finally see Harry's face smiling at her from ear to ear.

"And hello to you too, my beautiful birthday girl!" Harry exclaimed right back.

Much to his protest, Harry had ended up smack dab in the middle of a North American tour on his girlfriend's birthday. He'd tried his hardest to schedule a break in between today so he would be able to spend some time with her on her special day, but it didn't end up working out and both Harry and Y/N were fairly bummed about it.

"Thank you, love," she grinned into the camera, making Harry's heart soar.

"Ye' getting ready f' work?"

"Unfortunately," Y/N faked a pout, "Should be an easy day, though. What about you?"

"Just got back to m' hotel room. Show tonight was great. I wish you could've gotten off work to hop on tour for a few days."

"You know how my boss is," Y/N sounded somewhat sad and it made Harry's chest feel tight knowing how badly she had wanted to come visit him.

"Hmm," Harry pondered, "'M starting t' think she's got a crush on me n' that's why she never gives you any days off."

This made a laugh blossom from deep in Y/N's belly.

"Everyone's got a crush on you, bubby."

"Too bad I've only got eyes f' you. Anyways," Harry quickly moved on to the next subject.

"I've called you to tell you where I've hidden your birthday present."

"Harry," Y/N scolded him, "I told you not to get me anything."

"Yeah, well, ye' know I wasn't gonna listen. Love spoilin' ya. It's in the back of my underwear drawer. Should be a little velvet box."

Y/N rolled her eyes at Harry to which he blew her a cheeky kiss through the screen in response. She grabbed her phone while she traveled from the bathroom into their bedroom and began riffling through Harry's intimates drawer.

"Quick question, H. Why your underwear drawer?"

All Harry could see of Y/N was her forehead while her fingers moved past his folded up boxers and dug for the small gift.

"It's the only thing of mine you don't steal. Figured it'd be least likely t' be found if I kept it in there when I left."

"Touche, my love. Alright, I've got it. Want me to open it now?"

"It would kinda make sense to, now, wouldn't it?"

"You're such a smartass."

"You love me anyway."

She chuckled as she propped her cell phone up against her bedside lamp so Harry could see her reaction when she found out what was inside. When she removed the small metallic bow that was placed on top, she lifted the lid and her expression turned into one of confusion and uncertainty.

"Is this the ring that you lost a few months ago?"

Indeed, it was. It was Y/N's favorite out of the hefty collection of rings that Harry hoarded. Sometimes, Harry would let her pick out which rings he wore and her eyes always landed on that one. She was never able to give him a reason other than she was simply drawn to it; the way it danced in the sunlight when his hand stuck out from the covers in the morning, the way it accentuated his perfect, long fingers.

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