
1.4K 25 0

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: drug use, mentions of smut

"'S almost ready. Are ye' sure you still want to do this?" Harry called from the kitchen, checking on the whistling kettle he'd put on the stove a while back.

"As long as you don't let anything bad happen to me."

"Never in a million years, bub," Harry smirked as he reached for two mugs in the cabinet above where he was standing.

He then poured the murky liquid into the porcelain and made his way back into the living room where his girlfriend was waiting anxiously for him. It was a gloomy, rainy day in London. One that had trapped both her and Harry in their flat for the day. It had rendered them bored out of their minds; that was until Harry approached her with a small plastic bag filled with the psychedelic substance that was handed to her in the form of a cup of tea right at this moment. Harry knew it was a shot in the dark seeing as she'd always sworn them off, so he was pleasantly surprised when she'd actually agreed to take them with him. There was nothing around her that might set her off into a bad trip, so she figured it was worth a try. Plus, Harry knew how to handle himself when he was high, so who better person to take mushrooms with than him?

"So, all I have to do is drink this?"

"Yep," Harry nodded as he held his cuppa with both hands, "Should only take like fifteen minutes to kick in and then you'll be good t' go."

"Promise me you'll take care of me if I start freaking out?"

"Lovie," he called for her sternly, turning his body to face her completely as he spoke, "You'll be fine. I'm right here if anything happens. Ye' just gonna see pretty colors for like an hour and then you'll come down."

"Okay... If you say so," Y/N trailed off, bringing the mug close to her face to smell the concoction.

Harry chuckled when her face turned up in a scowl at the earthy scent.

"Bottom's up?" he asked as he raised his tea up to her.

"Cheers, mate," she sarcastically responded, bumping her mug gently into his.

Harry had no problem downing the warm liquid. All of his years of shooting liquor and grotesque health juices came in handy in times like these. Y/N, on the other hand, snarled in disgust at the taste. It tasted of dirt and she couldn't even drink half of it without gagging.

"Don't be a baby. Just plug ye' nose and take it," Harry commanded.

The last half went down a bit smoother for her thanks to Harry's advice, but she still made a show of frowning deeply after she swallowed the remainder of the special tea.

"Sooo," Y/N pondered, "What now?"

"We wait. You'll know when it hits."


Y/N felt like the entire room was breathing along with her. The flowers that Harry had brought home for her a few days ago were dancing all across the coffee table where they rested. The soft rock song Harry had turned on seemed to come alive in her eyes and she swore she could quite literally see the music traveling about the room around her as it poured through the speakers. She felt every single cell in her body whizzing and whirring and had it not been for Harry calling out her name and pulling her out of her daze, she swore she would have had no idea that she was even conscious.

"Ye' feelin' it yet?" Harry called out above the sounds of the music.

Her attention went to the eccentric pattern on Harry's vintage t-shirt he was wearing. The design lifted itself from the fabric on his chest and swirled around above his head. She watched it as it moved up towards the ceiling and slithered around on the drywall.

"Hello? Is Y/N home?" Harry jokingly knocked a ringed hand on her scalp.

She came to once more, but only enough to nod her head in response to Harry's last question.

"Everything is....moving."

"But you're alright, though. Right?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Her thoughts were there and she knew exactly what Harry was saying to her, but she was having trouble turning her thoughts into words. If Harry was even half as high as she was, he definitely wasn't showing it and it puzzled Y/N how he could remain so calm.

"Good," Harry said as he lovingly began to rub the bare skin of her thigh.

She couldn't explain it, but Harry kneading at her skin in the manner that he was only heightened her senses. His touches only added to the otherworldly experience she was having and she needed more.

"Why did you stop?" Y/N asked, confused.

"Stop wha'?" Harry quirked a brow at her.

"Rubbing my leg. Feels nice."

This made Harry chuckle and lazily run his hands through his hair before returning his palm back to his girl's thigh.

"My apologies, princess. I'll get right back on it."

The two of them sat idle on the couch, enjoying their highs and the picture show happening in front of them. This was certainly unlike anything Y/N had ever experienced before, and it was almost exactly as she had seen magic mushrooms portrayed in films. She regretted all of the times she'd turned down Harry's offers of taking them in the past because this was a feeling she never wanted to come down from.

"Harry," Y/N broke the silence between the two of them after a while of not speaking to one another.


"Kiss me."

Without hesitating, Harry leaned over her crossed legs to plant a quick kiss against her lips, but she was quicker. She looped her arms around Harry's neck to keep his mouth against hers. The kiss deepened quickly and turned into something of a different nature when Harry began prodding at Y/N's bottom lip with his wet tongue. It made explosions inside of both Harry and Y/N and their need to be even closer to each other magnified.

"You know," Harry muttered breathlessly when he forced himself away from hers, "'ve never shagged anyone on mushrooms before."

"You started doing shrooms a few months ago and we've been together for four years, so I'd sure fucking hope not, Harold," his girlfriend responded, making the two of them burst into a fit of giggles.

"What do ye' say we give it a try?"

Harry was giving her his hazy bedroom eyes that she could never say no to and his body language conveyed to her that he needed to be inside of her desperately, to fill her up and feel her surround him with her warmth. She tapped her pointer finger against her chin as if to show that she was contemplating her answer.

"I don't see why not. Only for the experience though," she couldn't finish her sentence without smirking towards the end.

"Absolutely. Only for the experience."

As they moved closer and began to undress each other clumsily in their altered states, they both couldn't seem to fight the creeping feeling that tripping together might become a new ritual in their household.

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