Happy Accidents

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Word Count: 1.4k

Warnings: drug use, fluff

Harry came home to a quiet house. He had just returned to London from a small, brief tour across America and was looking forward to doing absolutely nothing for the next few weeks. There was still the transitioning period, where he had to attend the debriefings and wrap up his press runs before he could actually do nothing, which was what he had come back from just now. All he wanted was to unwind and decompress with his girl that he missed dearly while he was away. Maybe order some take away and cozy up for a marathon of their favorite show that they always watched together. Something peaceful, something easy that harshly contrasts the high energy, chaotic nature that comes with touring.

But this type of peaceful, the peaceful he walked into, was quite different than what he'd invisioned in his head. He searched for her all throughout the downstairs of the house. She wasn't in the living room tidying up and straightening the photos of her and Harry that lined the walls. She wasn't in the laundry room washing and folding Harry's tour clothes like she always does when he returns home. She wasn't in the kitchen either, but he quickly realized that she had been at some point due to the empty carton of, as Mitch calls them, "special vitamins" knocked over and discarded on the marble countertop.

This sent Harry into somewhat of a panic. He wasn't sure how many of the gummies were left in the package, but it was certainly empty. Harry knew her tolerance for marijuana was low, and that no matter how many of them she'd actually ingested, she was more than likely knocked completely on her ass wherever she were in the house. For a split second, he was angry with himself for even bringing them home in the first place. They were just something he indulged in to pass time whenever life on the road got a bit sluggish or boring, and he'd happened to have a few packets leftover after a trip to the dispensary in California so he decided to sneak them home in his suitcase. He guessed the dark, back corner of the large pantry in his kitchen still wasn't a good enough hiding place to keep his girlfriend from finding them when she found her sweet tooth aching for some relief.

He quickly checked the entryway table that the two kept their keys in by the front door to see if she was home, and he exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing her key ring tossed halfhazardly into the small dish. It was when he made it about halfway up the stairs in his London flat that he heard any sign of life from her. The muffled, gentle melody of a familiar song could be heard coming from behind the bedroom door.

As if he feared he would walk in on a horrific sight, Harry creaked the door open inch by inch, only peeking into the room at first. His worry became  obsolete when he stuck his entire head around the door, grasping the wood with his fingers curled around the lip, and he found her lying face up on their bed with a hazy smile plastered clean across her face.

Her hair stuck out in all directions on top of the comforter in a way that Harry would describe as an angelic halo. She was dressed in only one of Harry's vintage t-shirts and her cheeky, lace underwear that had been a gift from Harry for Christmas this past year. The shirt she had on was covered in rips and tears and barely clung onto her shoulders, but it was always her favorite to lounge around the house in. It smelled the most like him, she'd told him one time. To which Harry officially gave up ever trying to get his hands on it ever again. Plus, it looked better on her, he thought to himself.

Spinning in the corner of the room was one of her favorite records, crackling and buzzing softly as the needle grazed over every dip and divot of the carefully crafted vinyl. Harry had also gotten her this and it had made her so happy that she cried tears of joy when she realized Harry had managed to get his hands on the rarest press of the album. He could hear her humming along to the tune, staring off deep into space at the ceiling fan above where she was laying.

"Baby?" Harry called for her as he approached her calmly and quietly as if she were a jungle cat that he did not want to risk disturbing.

She perked up at the sound of his voice and when her eyes met his, she greeted him with the warmest, welcoming smile Harry had ever seen. It was then that he saw her bloodshot eyes and realized just how far gone she really was.

"You're home," she spoke tenderly and almost barely audible over the already quiet music.

"I am. How're ye' feelin'?" Harry asked her as he lovingly placed his hand over her knee when he sat down beside her on the bed.

"Reaaaally good."

Harry's question sent her into a fit of giggles, ones that she could not suppress and took over her like wildfire. It made Harry chuckle as well.

"Don't be mad, H. I accidentally ate some of those gummies you hid in the kitchen. I didn't even realize what they were until I'd already eaten them all. I was just really hungry and didn't wanna call you, cos I knew you'd freak out. But I'm fiiiiine! Pinky swear."

She was talking like she was beyond petrified that Harry would scold her for what she'd done, but her tone suggested that she couldn't have cared less about what happened next.

Her rambles made Harry's signature dimples show themselves even more. He knew she'd be fine, just as she'd reassured Harry. She was certainly more off the rails than he thinks that even he's ever been in his life, but he was with her now to take care of her and be her babysitter so there was no harm in letting her ride out her high.

"I know ye' did, pet. Left the carton on the counter. 'S alright. How many of 'em did ye' eat?" Harry then laid back on the mattress and propped himself up to one side so he could begin rubbing soothing circles on his girlfriend's back with his skilled fingers.

She hummed, "Don't know. Maybe like five? They tasted so good I couldn't stop. We need more of those."

Harry laughed again.

"Not so sure about tha' one. Think you've had your fair share of 'em for a while now."

The lazy whine and grunt that left her chest at Harry's words made him roll his eyes at her, but not before he leaned over to kiss her forehead sweetly. She chuckled at the tingling sensation left behind by the beginnings of Harry's stubble grazing over the bridge of her nose.

"Ye' look pretty wore out. They're probably gettin' the best of ye' by now. Wanna go t' bed?"

This elicited a yawn from his girlfriend, to which she nodded and shimmied closer towards him so she could burrow her body tightly against Harry's chest.

"Only if you hold me. You're warm."

Harry responded to her touch as if it were the most natural thing in the world to him, curling his front around her so that their legs were intertwined and his hands had a good hold on the back of her head so he could play with her hair until she fell asleep in her hazy, debilitated state.

"Always, bubby."

He waited until the drugs had knocked her out cold, humming along to the music that eventually stopped when the needle reached the end of the vinyl and petting her scalp gently. When he'd managed to wriggle his way out of her grasp, he quickly stripped himself of his clothes and grabbed an extra throw blanket before rejoining her in the middle of the bed. There was no use dragging her body up to the front of the bed and making her slide under the duvet. She was deadweight and he didn't want to risk her waking up in a panic when she'd realize she was still significantly high off of the cannibus.

With his arm draped over her waist protectively and his chin nuzzled into the soft skin of her neck, Harry supposed maybe this was the type of peaceful he was hoping for when he came home earlier tonight.

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