bonus: happy birthday billie

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

December 18, 2022

"Is she awake?" Finneas questions as he walks through the door to Jess and Billie's home. "Yeah she's upstairs getting ready." Jess responds, "I can't believe we did this." She adds with a laugh. 

"Do you think she'll be surprised?" Finneas asks, "hell yeah she will!" Jess replies, leading Finneas to the kitchen. The brunette gets a text from Maggie saying that she and Patrick are almost to their house, which she relays to the redheaded boy. 

"Is Claudia here?" Jess inquires, causing Finneas to nod. "She's outside fixing the bow." He replies, earning a squeal from Jess. "I'm so fucking exited! I wish Billie would hurry up." Jess says with a laugh. As if on cue, the birthday girl comes strolling down the stairs. 

"Happy Birthday Bil!" Jess and Finneas say in unison, earning a laugh from her. "Thank you, thank you." She says, pulling her brother in for a hug. "This is a nice surprise." She adds, motioning to Finneas. 

"Well I couldn't just leave you with Jess." He jokes in response, causing Jess to wack his stomach. "I'm a joy to be around." She states with a dramatic pout. "Yes you are baby." Billie says in her baby voice, pulling her wife in for a kiss. 

"And don't you forget it." Jess jokingly warns, pulling laughs out of the siblings. Jessica's phone buzzes, prompting her to pull it out. Once she reads it, she shows it to Finneas causing Billie to whine.  Finneas nods at the text from Maggie saying she and Patrick were outside, which annoys Billie even more. 

Billie Eilish hates secrets and not being in on stuff more then anything. "I wanna see!" She shouts, "no it's a birthday secret." Is Jess's response, which earns a 'fuck off' from her wife. 

"Let's go outside!" Finneas suggests excitedly. "Yeah, Bil c'mon!" Jess adds, grabbing her wife's hand and pulling her outside. "Oh wait! Close your eyes please." Jess says quickly before they make it out the door. 

"Why?" Billie questions in confusion. "Because I said please." Jess groans, earning a chuckle from Finneas. Billie begrudgingly closes her eyes and Jess leads her outside.

 "Don't let me bump-Ow!" Billie winces, as she bumps into the door frame. "Oh my god I'm sorry!" The brunette apologizes, rubbing her wife's arm where she hit it. "It's fine." Billie grumbles, "we're almost there." Finneas says. 

"Okay," Jess starts, as she positions Billie in front of her gift. "Open!" She exclaims, causing the black haired girl to open her eyes. "Get the fuck out!" Billie shouts, instantly wrapping her arms around her wife. 

"How did you do this?" She questions in shock, pointing at her brand new black Lamborghini. "Happy Birthday baby!" Is all Jess says, with a huge smile. "Wait, seriously. How?" She stutters in absolute confusion and shock. 

"Well you've wanted one for years and I thought 21's a big birthday, why not surprise her?" Jess explains, "now go see your new car!" She says excitedly, handing her wife the keys. "This is the best day ever." Billie mutters to herself. 

After a very fun ( and fast ) test drive, the family sat down for a late breakfast. Billie seemed to be having a really good day, which is all Jess could've ever wanted. She was surprised that she was able to keep the car a secret from Billie, but Jess was very satisfied in the end to have pulled it off. 

"So I'll see you two tomorrow?" Finneas confirms, "yeah, come by whenever." Jess responds, causing Billie to shake her head. "No, you have that phone interview at 10." She reminds, "shit, okay any time after twelve then." Jess says, earning a nod from the boy. 

"The song has to be finished by Wednesday, at the latest." The older boy reminds, "yeah because we have Zach Sang on Thursday." Jess says, making the siblings nod. 

Everyone said their goodbyes and wished Billie a happy birthday, leaving the girls to entertain themselves. The rest of the day was pretty chill, seeing as Billie was determined to not get plastered on her twenty-first like most newly legal adults. 

"I'm really fucking happy." Billie states with a grin. "Like you have no idea, I can't believe you bought me a Lamborghini." She says is disbelief, "I really hit the jackpot with you." The black haired girl adds, causing her wife to smile. 

"Well I'm glad you liked it." Jess says with a laugh, "I just can't believe I was able to do it." She continues, "I really do love it. Thank you my love." Billie

"Happy birthday Billie." 

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Alright everyone!! Here is my special chapter for Billie's birthday. I know she's turning twenty-one in this book but in real life she's 19 *cue sad music* no but seriously I'm so proud of how far she's come. 

Also I'm currently working on a little Christmas chapter witch should be out sometime next week, so be sure to look out for that. In the meantime, if anyone is interested I have some other books. So go to my account and check those out, I'm currently working on a book called Exile that I'm really proud of. 

You can also find me on Instagram and Twitter, my user is the same as it is here. So go follow me if you want and we can talk if anyone ever needs someone to talk to! 

Anyways you know the drill, comment and vote! Let me know if you've missed Jess and Billie as much as I have! I love you all so much

-Kit <3

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