Chapter 13

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Wait why do i think Satonaka in ponytail is actually pretty? Why do i even care that she is always with Oikawa? Why am i even upset when she's always stuck with Oikawa.

Don't tell me i'm starting to have...


Kageyama snap out from his thoughts and turn to Miko.

"Oh sorry, what is it?"

Miko sigh , "Whats with you? This is the third time i called you. Anyways , i need to go to the supermarket for a while."

"Why? "

"Why you ask? Kyoko will be late today, so i'm cooking dinner."

Kageyama grins and said "Oh so you can cook huh?"

"Whats with that sarcastic tone?"

-at the supermarket-

"Huh?!?!??! You're out of carrots? Since when people starts to eat carrots as if they were rabbits?!?!" said Miko to the employee of the supermarket. Kageyama sigh as he watch Miko getting angry when theres no carrots available left.

"I'm sorry miss , just now a lady came to buy all of our carrots" replied the employee nervously.

"Huh?!?! What is she planning? A festival?!?!"

"Apparently she said she's planning a dinner with relatives"

"Is her relatives a rabbit?!?!?!" said Miko furiously.

The employee didn't know what to say, he got panic and starts to sweat a lot. Miko is still complaining about the carrots . Kageyama could not take it so he approaches Miko from behind and covers her mouth with his hand and said to the employee. "Thank you for your service, i'm really sorry for all the trouble that my friend have done."

"K-apgeyapma aum till tawlking!"

"Shut up you're too noisy !"

Then Kageyama and Miko left the supermarket.

-at Miko's house-

-dining table-

Miko is still pouting since she didn't succeed in buying carrots.

"Stop with that pouting its really annoying" said Kageyama.

"Shut up , i'm still upset "

Kageyama sigh. He got up from the chair and took two plates from the kitchen cabinet. He gently place it in front of Miko. He place a ramen cup on the plate and said "Here eat this"

 "Eh ramen.........." said Miko with a blank face.

Kageyama's eyebrows twitches and said "Be grateful that i cook ramen for you"

"I want curry with carrots now"  said Miko , she place her head on the table.

"I will not let you go into your room unless you eat"

She lift her head "Why are you becoming like aunty"

"Shut up! Eat now." Kageyama sit on his chair and starts to eat his ramen. Miko stared at Kageyama's ramen. She sigh "Itadakimasu"

She starts eating , Kageyama glances at her.

"Not bad" she said. "Why do i feel like you're saying it in a sarcastic tone"

"Hey your ramen is good, anyways i'm going to take a shower, do my homework and go to sleep. Wanna do homework together?"

"Sure" Kageyama replied.

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