44 | dead

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Austin's mouth flapped open and closed like a goldfish gasping for air, but no sound escaped

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Austin's mouth flapped open and closed like a goldfish gasping for air, but no sound escaped.

"Oh, it seems you've picked up some spells," Austin finally shouted. "Well then, let the battle commence."

"After all is said and done, there will be only one person standing here, and that person will be me," he declared confidently.

"We shall see about that," I replied, my newfound confidence surprising even myself.

Now, it felt like my own mouth no longer belonged to me.

Gosh, where was all this confidence coming from?

Austin began chanting incantations, and arrows materialized, shooting towards me. I moved as swiftly as I could to dodge them, but one managed to pierce my arm, leaving a painful cut.

He smirked, then in a flash, he teleported behind me, delivering a powerful kick to my back that sent me flying upward.

Once more, I found myself airborne, my hands instinctively channeling a blinding light toward Austin.

He stumbled backward, hastily summoning a cloak to block the light, causing it to dissipate.

Amidst the loud bangs and thuds outside, I could tell that my mate and friends were battling Austin's men.

Then, as if conjured by Austin's dark magic, ominous black shadows encircled me, making it nearly impossible to escape. Each time I attempted to attack them, they vanished only to reappear moments later, keeping me trapped and powerless.

Austin chanted a spell, making me cough out blood.

Suddenly, the top of the tunnel opened, revealing my mate and friends.

"My hands are itching, let's just kill him already." Lily groaned.

John, Lily, and Leon went to get rid of the black shadow-like thing while Austin and I fought for our lives.

He shot an arrow at my leg as I was unaware. Blood escaped out of the huge wound as I dropped to the floor.

Upon witnessing my predicament, Leon rushed to my side, extending a hand to help me up. However, Austin had cunningly erected a barrier around us, preventing anyone from breaching its confines.

Looks like there would be only one person who will leave here alive.

His towering figure walked towards me as he kicked me and punched me in the stomach.

I struggled to rise and muster my powers, but it seemed they had waned. Despite the odds, I continued to fend off Austin's attacks, my eyes darting to Lily and Leon, who were valiantly attempting to dismantle the barrier imprisoning us.

It was then that Austin produced a length of rope

He brought it high up and then hit my back.

My muscles feel as though they have been flash-burned with acid from the inside.

The wound turned red immediately and my shirt was soaked with the blood.

I was now still on the floor, too weak to move.

I breathed and closed my eyes.

In my head, it was all the thoughts of me killing him.

The sound grew progressively louder, each pulse resonating through my being. With a sudden, intense surge, I was lifted from the ground once more, a blinding light enveloping every fiber of my being.

My gaze remained locked onto Austin, and as the radiant energy surged, it struck him with immense force, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Blood spilled out of his mouth as he took his last breath.

I walked towards him and gave him a little kick. He was dead.

The wound on my back had mostly healed, but some bruises still lingered. A faint smile crossed my lips as Leon and Lily approached, enveloping me in their warm hugs. The ordeal was finally over, but I knew there was one more thing I needed to do.

"I'm so proud of you," Leon whispered with genuine admiration.

I returned his sentiment with a slight smile as we exited the tunnel. John rushed over, concern etched across his face. "Are you all alright?" he inquired anxiously.

"We're physically fine, John, but it'll take time to repair all this damage," Leon responded, gesturing to the chaos around us. "First, I want to take Charlotte to the doctor to have her wounds checked."

Leon held me securely as we made our way to the doctor's office. After a brief examination, the doctor reassured me, "It's mostly just cuts and bruises. I'll give you some cream to apply, and you should be good to go."

The journey back to Leon's house was marked by silence. None of us were eager to break the quietude. As we reached his room, I halted him.

"Tonight, I'd like to sleep alone," I requested softly, needing some personal space to process everything.

Leon's expression showed his concern. "Charlotte, we really need to talk. Avoiding each other won't solve anything."

I met his gaze and replied, "I promise we'll talk tomorrow. I have some things to share as well."

i'm really late on updates right now, i'm so sorry. But stay tune for the last chapter.


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