Chapter 12 - Real Training Finally

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Chapter 12 – Real training finally

<Violet City; Sprout tower>

  Isaac ran up the stairs to the next floor. “Come on, I’m ready to battle!” He shouted.

  A monk walked slowly towards him. “Please keep it down, trainer. There are others who come here seeking peace. Welcome to your first stage of your training. To complete it, simply beat all the trainers in this room and proceed to the next floor.” Following that, he reached for a pokeball in his belt and threw it. “Stand strong, Bellsprout!”

  “Figures,” Isaac laughed. “After all these years, monks here are still using Bellsprouts.” He reached for his only Pokémon and sent it out. “Deerling, go!”

  “Do not mock these Pokémon of peace.” The monk said with relative aggresiveness. “Many centuries ago, there was a giant storm that threatened to destroy all of Violet City. Our founder refused to escape before he made sure that everyone in the city was safe. Do you know what happened after?”

  “Don’t know; Don’t care.” Isaac exclaimed with a bored expression on his face.

  “Well, I’m going to tell you anyways! At this very spot our temple was built, he could run no further. Just as he lost all hope, a giant Bellsprout appeared and shielded him from the weather. After the storm, all that was left was this giant pillar which you see in the centre of the temple. This pillar has been the foundation of this very temple and till now, we still worship the great Bellsprout who saved our founder, in hope that it would return one day. This tower was named in honour of Bellsprouts – Sprout Tower.” The monk bowed respectfully at the tower.

  “So, you’re saying the giant Bellsprout just miraculously petrified and became a block of wood? I don’t think so.” Isaac said sarcastically.

  “It was a miracle indeed. Great Bellsprout laid the foundation for this very building, allowing our founder to rebuild Violet City quickly. Many people, devastated by the calamity, sough our help for inner peace and help. Our popularity grew and…”

  “Are you done yet?” Isaac was beginning to get irritated.

  “Enough with the small talk; Let’s get on with your training.”

  “Finally!” Isaac smiled. “Deerling, go attack!”

<Violet City Gym>

  The elevator belt moved much slower than the last one. After what seemed like hours, Emma reached a room with a huge battle field. At the other side of the field, there was an elevated platform. A middle-aged man walked to the edge of the platform and took a look at Emma.

  “Answer me this: How many badges do you have?” The man asked

  Emma remained silent and just stared at the man.

  “Huuumph, wasting my time! I shouldn’t be battling scrubs like you! As the gym leader, I have the right to refuse a battle from you! Go away and come back only when you’re stronger!”

  “Please Mr Falkner, I have an urgent request. Please at least hear me out.”

  Falkner simply glared at her.

  “Well, if you’re unwilling to, I’ll just have to make you! I choose you, Aron!”

  “I gave you a chance to leave quietly and you didn’t take it. Well, looks like I’ll just have to make you leave, BY MYSELF!’ He grabbed a pokeball from his belt. “Show no mercy, Pidgeot!”

  ‘BOOM!’ The pokeball burst open and out came a huge majestic bird Pokémon, double the size of a human. It flew up above the battle field, far beyond the reach of Aron’s physical attacks.

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