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this was completely on impluse. i meant posting this not actually writing the story...

although that was on impulse too, like most things i do in life.

okay... so this is just a teaser (of some sort) i'll start posting after ex pen pals if done (or almst done you know me by now... so this may be up sooner). before i forget; this is an au.

this is dedicated to all ashton girls out there.

signed, please don't hate me.


7th June, 2013

"Are ya sure you don't want some?" Ashton asked shaking a handful of Twizzlers in my face. "They taste extra good today."

"Ashton, God! I said no." I whined biting my lip to hide the smile that was threatening to escape my lips. I dropped my head and started playing with the bottom of his white and grey sweater that was falling off my shoulders. I was sitting Indian style on the bed with my back against the headboard.

"Baaaabe." He sang giggling before stuffing some of the Twizzlers in his mouth. "Come on. I said I was sorry." Ashton said pouting at me. We had gotten into another one of our little petty arguments earlier and he was desperately trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm mad at you." I mumbled pushing some of my jet black hair from my face. I really wanted to cut it but Ashton has said he liked my hair long and if anything; I like making him happy, as annoying as he was, I loved making him smile.

He knew he had me right where he wanted me though. This always happened; we fought, I got pissed, he tried being cute and we made up. I knew the pattern by heart. Sure, it was a little toxic at times but it was our love story and I was happy with it.

He grinned, showing his deep dimples, the first thing I probably fell in love with, and put his hand on my bare legs. I gasped and dropped my head; again, to hide yet another blush. He had that kind of effect on my and I knew he smirking without having to look at him. One touch. That was all it ever really took with us. It didn't matter who was mad at whom; one touch was all it took and everything was always made better. He dropped his head and kissed my thigh, sending unwanted shivers down my back.

"I'm trying to be angry with you Ashton." I whined using my hand to try push his face away. He caught my hand and sat up on the bed.

"And I'm trying to have make up sex." He said with a shrug and laughed when my jaw dropped and my cheeks got two shades redder.

"Ashton Irwin!" I giggled pulling my hand from his to cover my face. He tugged on the front of the sweater I had on and crashed his lips to mine and everything around me evaporated.

Some would say Ashton and I had a toxic relationship but they never understood that the thing that was keeping us together, the thing that was the strongest in our relationship were the little fights we had; when we just let each other have it. As crazy and twisted as that sounded, that was the best part of my relationship with Ashton. I loved when he got angry, when his voice would raise and his accent would be thicker than usual and his voice would be extra high pitched.

"I hate fighting with you Adria." Ashton mumbled against my lips and I smiled into the kiss.

"I fight with you because you're annoying." I said burying my fingers in my hair. That was another thing I loved about Ashton; his hair. If I could, I would write an entire novel describing his hair. It was almost never combed and that was exactly how I loved it. I loved how it looked after I've ran my hands through it over and over again when I'm trying to pull him as close to me as possible when we kiss, just like we're doing now. I just love every damn thing about him and I love how angry he makes me.

Just like that, the cycle had begun again.


there we go.

also (and quite unfortunate i might add) i do not own 5sos. this is fiction. fiction. not real. fiction.

this is mostly about ashton, i mean; the other boys are gonna be here... just not that much.


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