Chapter 14

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Richie grabbed Eddie's small hand. Eddie gripped Richie's hand in response. They leaned on each other, taking one's hand in another, their feet dangling in the water. About a minute in, Richie took his shirt off and jumped in, splashing Eddie. "RICHIE!?" Eddie yelled. "Oh you're dead Richard!" Eddie said as he threw his fanny pack and took his shirt off. He jumped in, splashing  Richie in and in his little head, he imagined it as revenge when in reality, only a bit of water actually came in contact with Richie.Richie laughed and he smacked the water, sending a wave of water Eddie's way. Eddie screamed as the wave crashed onto him and he went under the water. He quickly came back up, not amused. Richie pointed and laughed at Eddie's pouty face. Eddie's face looked like a baby's, his cheeks were chubby and spotted with freckles. His nose was button like and was always kinda red during the summer due to his small allergies to the pollen and the harsh heat. Eddie, even though looked it, wasn't a softie. He was always screaming about health, but after the big fight, he started jumping into action more. One time when Richie fell into a thorn bush and Eddie just jumped in to help. He didn't ask or anything, he just picked Richie up and helped him onto the back of his bike. Richie, no matter how many times he fought and teased Eddie for his long rambles and lectures, always found Eddie's voice comforting and was always concerned when Eddie didn't lecture him. Of course though, when they reached their destination, Eddie would go onto even longer lectures and it would always end in Eddie back handing Richie. He's gotten better and is almost back to his old self. When Ben built the clubhouse, that was the closest to normal Richie had seen him. Eddie looked at Richie. Richie was always laughing all the time. He'd always pop a joke somewhere, no matter the situation. He was tall, his cheeks and nose were freckled too. He had dark curls and they were always messy. He never failed to do something stupid! He thought he was cool! His Hawaiian shirts were tacky and his converse never looked cool. Totally not. Eddie stopped thinking for a minute. He was about to finish a thought but was splashed before he could finnish. Eddie's hair was completely wet and in his face. Eddie looked at Richie and flipped him off. Richie laughed as Eddie swam to the edge and sat down dangling his feet in the water. Richie swam to him and laid his head on his arms he put on the edge. "R-Richie?" Eddie said with a kinda shaky voice. "Yeah?" he said looking at him. "O-our we in love?" he said with a stone cold face...

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