Chapter 8

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"What happened... oh shit!" Eddie looked at Richie whos avatar stoped moving, causing him to die. Richie had completely froze as a tall boy with curly, bright blonde hair, wearing a leather jacket walked in. Eddie whispered, "Richie? Don't tell me that's..." Richie cut him off "Conner Bowers" Richie said under his breath. Eddie looked as Conner put a coin into the Street Fighters game. Eddie hesitated, not knowing what to do as Richie just stood there. Richie was flooded by memories of Conner, Henry, Henry's goons, and Richie. Eddie grasped onto Richie's arm pulling him to the conner. "It'll be ok Richie... just, pretend he's not here ok. We came to play games, not with people's hearts, he's here to do both. Just... look at me, not him. Remember when you made me look at you when i broke my arm? This is just like that." Eddie said quietly and softly. Richie looked down at Eddie and nodded. Eddie smiled and hugged him. Richie blushed and smiled, while hugging back. "Thanks Eddie..." Richie said. Eddie let go and smiled. Eddie then, pulled Richie to the Pac-Man and put a coin in. Richie played games with Eddie for about an hour before they ran out of money. Eddie had made him forget about Conner, but then he walked up to them. "Tozier?" Conner said making Richie freeze. He slowly turned and Eddie turned around, facing Conner. "Oh, hey... C-Conner..." Richie said awkwardly. Eddie looked at the boy and his blood boiled. That's the boy that made Richie cry?! Thats the asshole that called Richie a fairy when, even though it made Eddie to think about, he's straight. "Hey! I didn't see you! I think we have some unfinished Street Fighter to play." Conner said smiling. Richie was puzzled by this interaction. "I thought- I wasn't-" Eddie cut him off, "I thought you two finished when Richie ran out after you acted like a dick!" Eddie said with obvious anger. Conner looked at Eddie with wide eyes. Richie had a shocked look on his face as he turned to Eddie . "Why so shocked!? Go fuck off!" Eddie said. Conner looked at Richie whos face was completely red with embarrassment. Conner let out a nervous laugh and grabbed Eddie's arm and pulled him to a corner. "I don't know who you are but i will break your little face and- OW!" Eddie had hit Conner in the gut with is cast. Conner let out a shriek and bent down. Eddie pushed him to the middle of the arcade so everyone could see the pitiful state of him, then walked over to Richie. Richie blushed at Eddie as he walked to him. To Richie, this looked like a scene of "Fast and Furious" when the main character walks away from an explosion, he looked Eddie in the eyes and he saw in slow mo. Eddie walking toward him, an explosion in the back... Eddie looked so badass. Eddie grabbed Richie's arm and pulled him outside. The Losers Club watched this all go down and all bumped into Conner as they walked out. Stan stopped when he got to Conner, sat his up straight, smiled at him, kneed him in the balls, stoped smiling, threw him down, and has Conner fell to the floor, Stan walked. Bill had watch this happen and blushed. Stan grabbed Bill's arm, and dragged him out. It was one of the Losers Club more badass moments. "wow..."

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