Audition for an Assassin

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Tuffnut slowly turned around. Behind him was a snarling red spotted green zippleback. Both of its heads were looking at him, their teeth bared in a menacing display of power. 

'He-hey! I was just passing through, so if you could just let me leave-', he was cut off by the second head darting forward to bite him. Tuffnut scrambled back on his hands and feet desperately searching for a way to escape with his body intact. Ruffnut would never forgive me if I came back to her with only one hand, Tuffnut thought. He finally managed to regain his footing and as he made to run, he turned back to see where the zippleback was. The zippleback was on the ground, both of its lying in line with its body looking so exhausted that Tuffnut paused his retreat and slowly made his way back toward the dragon. 

Tuffnut knew the limits of his recklessness, and he also knew that he had just crossed that line by a long shot. Now being within ten feet of the dragon, Tuffnut saw the marks, cuts,  and abbrasions lining the skin of the dragon. At the same time, Tuffnut realized that it was the same dragon that him and the rest of the gang had trained with. 

Tuffnut remembered the conversation he had overheard the day after the last raid:

'Aye, one of them dragon has gone missing. The zippleback. Aye, that dragon was a wily one as I'd ever seen, gonna need to find another one."

'How did the dragon get out?'

'Mulch said he saw another dragon breaking the cage open.'

'Ridiculous, them dragons aren't smart enough to open a barrel...let alone a locked cage.'

By now the pair had gotten dangerously close to where Tuffnut had been eavesdropping, and he didn't hear end of the conversation.

'Your the escaped dragon', he said accusingly. The dragon let out a sound that sounded disturbingly like a human chuckle. Dragons can't laugh, Tuffnut scolded himself. 

-_:Break Line:_-

Hiccup stood in a room that was completely at odds with the decrepit door behind him. There were all sorts of weapons lining the walls. The ground was a shining white marble, and the rest of the room seemed ornate enough for a king. A figure clothed in black stood in the middle of the large room, along with nearly fifty other people. They all looked to be near his age and all looked as confused as he felt. There was man standing near the front of the small crowd that trigured something in his empty memory, but as Hiccup scrambled after it, it vanished.

'You all are probably very confused about what is happening right now, and why you cannot remember anything. I will explain everything as soon as the last person arrives', said the person standing in the middle of the room. Even as she said this, (the voice sounded female), there was a knock on the dirty door. The figure walked briskly towards the door and opened the door. Outside the door stood an extremely beautiful girl that seemed his age. She looked as perfect as any girl could be. Her cheekbones were high, and seemed sculpted, and her skin was shining and smooth. She had a lithe body that was built like a warrior's, at the same time managing to have curves. She was carrying a bow, and Hiccup could see the handles of several knives along her waist. You're staring, Hiccup told himself. Hiccup could see intelligence and expierence in her eyes just before it winked out and was replaced by a confusion akin to his own.

'Welcome! You're the last one! Just step in here, I'll explain everything shortly!'

She everything but dragged the girl in, and closed the door behind her. 'OK, you all are confused so let me explain! You are all here for an audition to be the personal assassins and advisers to our great King Aldrich', there was a stirring and muttering in the room after this statement, Hiccup himself was surprised, an audition to be an assassin? Huh. 'The reason none of you remember anything is because you all agreed to have your memories removed, and give your full allegiance to the king if you are selected!'

"I sincerly doubt that", a dry voice said in his head. Hiccup all but jumped and screamed out loud, but he still startled making a few people close to him look at him questioningly. Just as he was about to start questioning his own sanity, the knowledge came suddenly. Toothless the dragon! He was connected to him mentally. Anything besides that was a mystery to Hiccup as everything else was.

"Do you remember anything...Toothless?"

"I don't."

Excited by the prospect of getting more of his memories back, Hiccup looked back towards the figure.

"Its quite a weak spell if I'm getting my memories back already, especially if its meant to last the rest of my life!"

"I doubt its weak, but I don't think they counted on a dragon-human pair with their minds connected."

Hiccup had to agree, even he was having a hard time believing the disembodied voice inside of his head was actually a dragon. The figure was talking again, 'My name is Obsidian. Me and three others are the very top advisers to the king, and we will be taking control of this audition. Each of us have our own colors, but will always wear mask. I'm in full black and am obviously called Obsidian, here are Ruby, Emerald, and Opal', as she spoke, three others came out from the doors located on the back end of the room. They were clothed completely in red, green, and white. 

Hiccup looked at them, all four of them were standing in the middle of the room in a line. They walked gracefully, and Hiccup had no doubts that 'adviser' also meant assassin.

"I agree," Toothless said, and Hiccup slightly startled again, (he wasn't completely used to Toothless).

Ruby stepped forward

'Let the auditions begin!'


A/N: ima do a vote would u rather longer wait times and longer chapters or the same amount of time that is happening rn and around the same length? (1000 words). Even if all of you guys say longer chapters or normal ones I might do the opposite but I wanna see what u guys prefer. REVIEW PLS IT HELPS>

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