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'I hate getting out of the bath.' I think pulling on my robe.

I walk out of the washroom and jump into bed trying to get under the covers. I freeze and start at the pink fabric in my hand. I jump back out of bed and run over to the foot. I grab the dress by the hem and pick it up straightening it out.

A blush pink slip dress with a slit down the leg.

The dress, it shimmers under the light as it sways. I breathe in carefully and exhale even more carefully, as if afraid that everything will blow away, like a dream.

'This is a dream, a dream come true. He bought me a dress.' I think speechlessly and press it to my body, feel the fabric slide against my skin.

I walk over to the full body mirror and stare at myself speechlessly.

"I love it." I whisper through trembling lips and hold the fabric more gently with trembling hands.

I walk back over to the bed and lay it out, that's when I spot the crushed red petals and my jaw drops. He bought me a flower and I crushed it. I imagine him carefully placing it on the bed wondering if it looks good.

"Idiot, idiot, idiot." I curse myself and cradle the delicate and beautiful gift.

I collect each stray petal and place them on the bedside table. I walk back to the bed and gentle ruffle through the covers to find a deep burgandy matte lipstick. It's still got it's clear plastic wrapper on it, completely new. I press the cool cylinder to my lips and smile.

"I can't believe him." I whisper.

I drop my robe and pull on the dress carefully, praying that it fits. Once it's on I notice how it wraps perfectly around my body, and that the slit fits my legs perfectly. Sighing, I give up when I fail to zip it up completely, instead I carefully and sparsely apply the lipstick.

After that I sweep the petals back into my hands and walk over to my suitcase. I pull out my notebook and flip to an empty and clear plastic pocket. I sit down properly, letting the dress flow out around me on the floor. Delicately, I start to organize the flower petals inside the pocket.

'I'll keep them forever, even when they're old and crumpled and falling apart. No matter what stage, what form, they'll be mine and mine alone.' I promise him.

"Alba?" His voice rings out through the room and sends a shiver down my spine.

'I want to kiss him. Now.' I turn to him and he's watching me, sitting on the ground, preserving his flower, only half zipped into his chosen dress, adorned in a smidgen of his hand picked lipstick.

That's when I notice what he's wearing, a pink shirt, the pink is much, much softer than mine, but still pink nonetheless.

"Thank you." I blurt out holding a hand out for him to take, breaking into a huge grin. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I love it, I love them." I babble and he walks over watching me with a pleased and sort of mystified expression making my heart flip.

"Here." Ryle says taking my hand and leaning in.

I tilt my head up waiting for a kiss. It doesn't come, instead I feel his hand on my back, tugging at my zipper. My eyes snap open and I get a front row seat to his proud grin and ridiculously happy eyes.

"You're excited." He teases and my stomach flips. "Let's go." He grabs my hand and stands, but I pull my hand away and grab him by the suspenders and pull him close.

"You give me my kiss." I mutter and slam my lips unto his.

I kiss him and kiss him till we can't anymore. We pull apart breathing heavily.

"Nice." Ryle barely whistles and I press my forehead to his cheek.

"Lipstick, everywhere." I whisper and he reaches up to his lips.

We part and I clean my face up in the mirror and fix my curls up, twirling them around my finger for more definition. Ryle comes up behind me and wipes at my lipstick that's all over his lips. I can't help but watch him, pleased with the feeling of seeing the outcome of us.

"You like this huh?" He smiles down at me rubbing his lips and I smile and nod. "Then this time," He says backing me up against a wall.

"Why don't you give me a mark that can't be removed so easily." He smirks closing whatever distance we have between us and I rise to the idea.

I carefully follow the instructions that he whispers into my ear.

"How was it?" I ask pressing my hand to his chest and looking up at him.

His eyes are clenched shut and his cheeks a faintly rosy. His hearts beating wildly against my hand. Ryle opens his eyes and looks down at me, eyes full of desire.

"I don't think I did it that well." I say quickly my heart beating wildly I grab unto his collar and pull him back in. "Again. I should do it again."

I try again and again till I'm satisfied with the outcome and above that, his reaction.

"Your turn." I say stretching out my neck for him a laugh explodes off of his lips and he presses me back against the wall, and gets to work leaving me red and breathless.

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