Kim Jungwoo, known as the unsociable beauty of the campus, paint himself as an ordinary junior college student. But that was just a mask to cover his anxiety-driven life filled with nightmares and self-doubt, which resulted for him to seek for the 'missing piece'. To be loved, unconditionally. And just when he finally thought that he found it, a dark turn of events led him to spiral down into depression that almost cost his life. Three years later, finally free from his toxic past. He was now a well established owner of a popular clothing store. Happy with the life he chose for himself, until a detective came by his house bearing news that his ex-lover's body was discovered and it all pointed to murder. Now caught between clearing his name and dealing with his own demons. He must unravel the secrets behind the lies and deceit from his past, in order to protect himself and his new found love. Start : Sept 19, 2020 End : Status : On-going