Chapter four

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You start panicking. You can't love a villain, especially since you're a hero. You walk out of the throne room. You hang out in the hall outside the throne room. Loki walks out with two guards holding his chains. The guards unlocked the chains and they fall to the ground and the guards go back into the throne room. He walks up to you and says, "I thought you hated me."

"I do. I just want you to pay for your crimes." You say blankly.

"Let's go to earth." He says.

You don't respond.

"Alright then," Loki says, breaking the silence. You go back to the Avengers. They see Loki and prepare to fight.

"Why is he here? He should be rotting in an Asgardian prison cell." Tony says.

"Yeah, about that, Odin said Loki has to go to earth, to help clean the mess he made." You say nervously.

Loki looks at you in confusion. You mind speak  I don't want them knowing I helped. Tell them and I'll kill you. He looks at you as if you're insane.

"Yes. Odin cast me down to earth." He agrees with you. "But I'll need a place to stay."

"Not it!" Everyone says but you.

"Shit." You mumble.

"Looks like you have a roommate." Tony teases. 

"Shut up Stark." You shut him down.

You go back to earth. You and Loki walk into your hotel room.

"Anything to eat or drink?" You ask.

"I'll have necture."

"Us humans don't have that kind of shit." You say.

"Right. What kind of 'shit' do humans have?"

"I got tea and water."

"I'll have tea," Loki says.

"Aight." You say getting out a mug and teabag.

You make the tea and grab yourself some water. You hand Loki the tea and sit on the couch in your hotel room. Loki sits next to you.

"It looks like there's only one bed," Loki says with a smirk.

"I'll sleep on the couch." You say.

Loki replies "We all know you won't." He winks.

"Look, I'm not the kind of person who just gives in to sexual actions. I need to have known you for a while. Meaning, no." You say.

"Well, you've never met me."

"Ha. Funny." You can't help but smirk at the thought. 10:00 rolls around and you kick Loki off the couch so you can sleep so you can get up early to help clean the city. He looks at you and says, "Come to the bed, you deserve sleep just as much as I do."

"No. Sleeping in the same bed leads to-you know." You decline.

"Then we swap places." Loki offers.

"I- What?"

"I'm not evil, well that evil," Loki says.

You giggle under your breath. "Okay."

Loki gets off the bed and lays on the couch. You get onto the bed. You fall asleep. When you wake up you feel warmth at your side. Loki is sleeping right next to you. You look down at him and smile a little. You snap out of it and lightly hit his head. Just enough to wake him up. He shoots up and rubs his eyes.

"Why were you right next to me?" You ask.

"You started squealing in your sleep, usually that means you had a nightmare, I wanted to calm you so I laid right next to you and you immediately calmed down." He explains.

"Well, thanks. I have to go clean up the streets and you're coming with me."

"Won't people think it's a bit weird for the one who created the mess to clean it up?"

"You can shapeshift." You say. "I saw it happen in the tower."

"Alright, you caught me." He says in a seductive way. Everything he says sounds seductive in his accent though.

You and Loki walk around cleaning the streets. He shapeshifted into a brown-haired man with green eyes and pale skin. A lot of women on the street checked him out. You mumble "It isn't his real form." to yourself.

He apparently heard this and laughed. "You're right. They'd be more attracted to me if I were in my original form."

You smack his arm. You are out almost all day cleaning up rubble and ruins. When you get home you look in the fridge. It's bare. You say, "Welp, we're out of food. I'm going to the store."

"Can I come? I've never been to a 'store'"

"No. That's exactly why you're not coming."

"Alright, I'll stay here and look through all your stuff." He says.

"Okay! Okay! You can come!"

"Thank you," Loki says smugly.

You roll your eyes. You and him take a taxi to the grocery store. The taxi runs over a lot of rubble on the way there. You and Loki are in the back seat. Loki isn't wearing a seat belt. You hit a large piece of rubble and he flings toward you. Landing on your chest. You push him off. He blushes and so do you. Ten minutes later you arrive at the store. You pay the taxi man and head inside. You grab a couple of loaves of bread and Kraft singles you also grab a bag of Oreos cause Loki kept bothering you about it. You go and grab some milk and cereal. You go and check out and go back to the hotel room. You walk in and put the food away and you get ready to take a shower. You turn on the water to hot and undress and get in. You start humming Overwhelmed by Royal & the Serpent. Before you know it you hear Loki singing too.

You poke your head out and see him standing at the mirror messing with his hair.

 "Loki!!?" You yell. "Get out!"

"I'm fixing my hair."

"I don't care! Out! Now!"

He leaves with his hands over his eyes. You sigh and say "Living with a God is gonna be hard."

You get out and grab a towel. You realize you didn't bring clothes in the bathroom with you.

"Shit." You say. You wrap the towel around your body and tighten it so it doesn't fall off you. You walk out and see Loki, with his shirt unbuttoned, on the couch.

"Oh Lord help me." You mumble.

He sees you and smiles.

"Now, don't get any ideas." You say pointing your finger at him. You dig through a hamper and find clothes. You have to reach down to grab them. You reach down and your towel falls. You reach down for it so fast but see Loki has his eyes closed.

"Well, that's new." You say.

"What's new?" Loki asks, eyes still closed.

"A god being respectful. Especially a god of mischief." You say wrapping your towel back around your body.

You go back to the bathroom and put your clothes on. A pair of black sweat pants and a red camisole. You walk out and throw a t-shirt at Loki and say "Put this on."

It lands in his face and he yanks it off. "I had a question."

"Shoot." You reply.

"Can you teach me how to fit in?"

You are taken by shock. "You? Want to fit in?

"It's not a crime. Is it?"

"No. It's just, you're the last person I think would want to fit in."

You explain everything he needs to know about earth and the 'slang'.

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