Chapter eighteen

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You stop her with your powers and drag her over.

"What happened to you?" You ask.

"I said nothing. Now I'm leaving." She says.

She breaks loose of your grip and walks away. You recall what you saw in her head. You snap out of it and walk up next to a rock man.

"Hey, I'm Korg. This is meik."

"Y/n." You nod awkwardly.

You see Thor in a helmet and swords. You hear the crowd chanting "Champion" Over and over. You hear loud stomping and a door start slowly opening. Hulk smashes through it.

"Yes!!!" Thor cheers, "We know each other! He's a friend from work! Loki, look who it is!"

You smirk. Thor walks over to Hulk, but he smashes Thor around. Thor gets swung into the side of the arena and Hulk starts charging at him and you notice Hulk's hammer thing is in the wall. Thor starts trying to take it out. When he does he hits Hulk with it and it throws Hulk across the arena wall. Thor walks over and says something but you can't hear it. Next thing you know Hulk grabs Thor by the wrist and smashes him into the ground then throws him across the arena. Thor runs over and swings the hammer at Hulk's legs then face. Thor's winning as far as you can see. Hulk smashes Thor onto the ground and destroys him. You see lightning sparking from Thor's fingers. He blasts Hulk up in the sky as he gets up. Everyone starts chanting "Thunder" and you join. Electricity is sparking off Thor. Suddenly Thor falls to the ground and Hulk smashes. You look closer and see blue veins coursing on his neck where the disks are on every fighter's neck. You realize the Grandmaster has a control thing for them. 

"That filthy cheat!" You yell.

Korg looks at you like you're crazy.

"What?! I'm not wrong!" You yell, "He would've won if this Grandmaster little shit didn't cheat!"

Hulk jumps up so high you can barely see him until he hits Thor on the ground.

Korg sighs, "Another day, another Doug." 

"Who the hell is Doug?" You ask but Korg walks away.

You walk away too, hoping to see Scrapper 142. You don't. You hear someone else get called onto the field. You ignore it and walk over to a corner to isolate yourself from the other people. You end up sitting then falling asleep on the ruble-ridden floor. When you wake up you're in a large room with a bed made of a large beast's skull. You see Hulk and Thor.

"Thor!" You say in happiness, "I thought Hulk had murdered you!"

"I'm fine y/n." He assures you.

You look over at Hulk.

"What the hell?! Why would you fight your friend!?" You yell at him not scared of the consequences.

"Hulk did it so only one would die," Hulk says.

"What? What does he mean?" You ask.

"I think he means if the fighters refuse to fight the Grandmaster will kill them," Thor explains.

"Ah, okay, I got it but still. He's your friend."

You see scrapper 142 walk in the room.

"You." You sneer.

She runs at Hulk and they play fight.

"What's going-" She says but she sees Thor leaning against a liquor rack.

She walks over Hulk and heads toward the door.

"You're so thick-headed that you can't tell when someone's hiding all the way across the universe wants to be left alone." She says.

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