Chapter 21: Who?

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Melissa's POV:

"How could that work?," Mr. Smith asks me.

"Well, we could try to get in contact with singer's managers. If you get famous performers and use the money from the tickets sold from the concert, you could donate it to charity."

He nods in approval.

"I'm glad I looked into your resume. You really are making a good rep for yourself. One of the best assistants I've had."

I smile at his nice compliment.

"Thank you sir."

I look at the time, seeing it's a little past eight 'o clock at night.

"Oh, it's time for me to go. I can't wait to give me husband and daughter a big hug and kiss."

"You're married?"

"Yep. Happily married."

He nods.

"Is being married everything people say? Is it nice?," he asks.

I smile thinking about how to answer his question.

"It depends who you marry. Luckily, I'm married to a great man. He loves me for who I am, he treats me right, and he's just amazing. I love him with all my heart."

* Later *

Justin's POV:

"Mommy should be coming home any minute now little one."

I continue to stare and admire my little miracle in my arms, smiling at her.

"You're so beautiful Bella. Just like Mommy."

I hear the door open and closed, followed by a breath of relief.


"I'm in here baby!," I shout back.

The sound of Melissa's footsteps fill the house until she's in the kitchen.

I look up and see her smiling at me.

"Hey baby. How was work?"

She ignores my question, continuing to stare at me with a bright smile.

"Babe?," I say, confused.

She walks towards me and pecks my lips once, before placing a kiss on Bella's forehead.

"Well, someone's really happy. You okay baby girl?"

She raises her eyebrow.

"What? I can't be happy?," she asks.

I sigh.

"Baby, you know what I mean."

"Justin, I'm just happy. I love my new job, Bella's safe and sound, and I'm happily married to the man I love. Everything's going great."

A smile plays at the corner of my lips.

"I'm happy for you baby," I say leaning over and kissing her nose.

I look down and realize Bella's sleeping.

I should put her to bed.

"I'll be right back baby girl. I'm gonna put Bella to sleep."


I go upstairs into Bella's bedroom and gently place her in her crib.

"Sleep well sweetheart," I whisper to her.

I lean down and kiss her cheek before returning back into the kitchen, seeing Melissa looking inside the fridge.

I go to her and snake my arms around her waist, pulling her into my chest.

"I missed you baby girl."

I hear her giggle, putting her head down to hide her blush.

"I missed you too Justin."

I bury my face into the crook of her neck, my grip around her waist tightening.

I feel my heart flutter, making me smile.

"So, I'm considering the possibility that you enjoyed your first day of work? You like your new boss? She's not a bitch?"

"No, he's a pretty great boss."

My eyebrow furrow and I turn her around to face me, shutting the fridge door.

Melissa leans her back against the fridge, staring at me in confusion.

"He?," I repeat, a little nasty.

"Um. Yeah. Mr. Smith," she answers, a little intimated.

"Hold the fuck up. Your boss is a guy?"

She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me close.


"Oh fuck no. How old is he? Is he good looking? Smart? Charming? Where does he fuckin' live? I swear if he even looks at you again, I'll-"

I'm silenced when she quickly pecks my lips and rubs her nose against mine.

"You're so sexy when you're jealous."

I bite my lip and push her hard against the fridge.

I bury my face into her neck, immediately sucking on her sweet spot.

"Mmm Justin," she moans.

I know we already had sex this morning, but if I had the chance, I'd fuck her all day long.

She runs her fingers through my hair and I grab the back of her thighs.

"Jump baby," I instruct.

She obeys me and I have her straddling to my waist. She starts to rub her crotch against mine, making me hard right away.

I crash my lips into hers.

She suddenly stops and pulls away, smirking at me.

"I'm going to sleep."

My jaw drops.


"Revenge is sweet," she adds.

Dammit. I forgot she was pissed at me for this morning.

I wrinkled her outfit, made her hair messy.

I set her down and she leans up, pecking my cheek.

"Night babe."

She heads upstairs, leaving me upset.

"Wait, you're gonna leave me to sleep in a bed with you horny as fuck?"

"Goodnight Justin," she taunts.

I groan.

I need a cold shower.


Justin and Melissa are relationship goals af!

Q: This is random as fuck, but what would be your reaction if Justin showed up at your doorstep right now?

Cause I'd fuckin' faint.

Anyway, want the next chap? 50+ votes and a few chaps, and it's all yours!

I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

Stay Away 2 (sequel to Stay Away) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now