Chapter 11: Crazy part 2

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Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

So, there was more to the last chap I posted. But, Wattpad fucked up.

So, here's the rest of it.

Enjoy :)

Justin's POV:

* Same scene as last chapter *

Melissa looks down and I come towards her, gently grabbing both her hands.

"Melissa, I'm just stressed babe. I'm stressed because you are. I don't want you to stress about a thing."

"But, Justin.... You said-" she breathes out.

"I know. I'm a dick. I don't know what happened. It just slipped out. But, I wanna be with you."

She shakes her head before looking down again.

"I'm such a fuck up. I always fuck shit up in our relationship. But, don't give up on me baby."

I move closer and rest my forehead on hers.

"You drive my fuckin' insane," I boldly tell her.

She raises her eyebrow at me and pulls away from me, her hands still in mine.

"What?," she asks.

"I'm obsessed. I'm fuckin' obsessed with loving you."


"I love seeing you smile. I love making you laugh and hearing that fuckin' adorable giggle. I love cuddling with you and waking up with you in my arms. I fuckin' love when you curse me out because it's sexy as hell."

She bites down on her bottom lip, controlling her huge smile she doesn't want to show.

"I love staring into your eyes. They're perfect as fuck. I love holding you every damn second, feeling my heart skipping beats. I love the feeling of being in love. I'm fuckin' obsessed with loving you because it feels amazing. I feel like I actually have a reason to live."

"So, y-you do wanna be with me?," she whimpers.

"Hell yes. If someone else is with you, I'm fuckin' slitting their throat. I don't fuck around. Melissa, I need you."

I throw her into my chest and snake her arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"My heart screams for you Melissa. You're my only motivation to keep going on with my life. Without you, nothing means anything to me anymore."

She smiles at me, making my heart flutter.

I feel her grab me by my jacket before I feel her lips roughly crashing into mine.

I moan through the kiss, pleasure taking over me.

I fuckin' love kissing her.

I squeeze her tighter and pick her up, spinning her around.

I place her down and she pulls away from the kiss, resting her forehead on mine.

I give her one last peck in the lips before rubbing our noses together.

"You're mine. Got it baby girl?"

She laughs at me, nodding her head.

"Of course," she responds.

I intertwine our fingers before we begin heading back home.

* Back home *

I walk in the door hand in hand with Melissa, catching everyone's attention.

This time, Valerie is here also.

We walk in the living room, everyone sitting down watching T.V.

"Bizzle!," Za cheers.

He gets up, rushing to us.

He looks over and notices Melissa, smiling at her.

"And Mrs. Bizzle!," he adds.

Melissa raises her eyebrow.

"This is Za," I say, introducing him.

"Wassup," he says, hugging her.

He lets go.

I point to Khalil.

"And that's Khalil," I add.

"Hi," he says with a smile.

"I met them back in Vegas babe," I explain.

She nods in understatement.

"And I heard from Justin that there's gonna be a baby Bizzle?," Za asks Melissa.

She nods at him.

"Damn Bizzle. Your pull out game is weak as fuck."

Melissa bursts out in laughter and I punch Za in the arm, making him chuckle.

"You guys want a boy or girl?," Khalil asks from the couch.

"Girl," Melissa answers quickly.

"A girl named Liv or Aislyn. Maybe Bella, " she finishes.

I raise my eyebrow.

She's never talked to me about baby names.

"It doesn't matter to me, but a boy would be nice. A boy named Jason or Jesse," I tell them.

I wrap my arms around Melissa, swaying back and forth.

I'm so hyped for this baby.


K. Sorry that chap sucked.

I fuckin' suck at writing. Lol


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I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

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