Chapter 2: Insanity

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Justin's POV:

I look down at my bottle of beer in my hand, deeply sighing.

I need Melissa. I can't fuckin' find her.

"I don't  know man. I'm so pissed right now," Connor breathes out.

We're both devastated. Talking about the Falcons all the time isn't helping either.

I miss my baby girl.


I reach over the table and grab Melissa's hand, causing her to smile.

"I love you baby girl."

"I love you, too Justin."

I blush like an idiot and shake my hand, looking down.

"You okay?," she asks.

"I'm just in shock. You actually said yes to marrying me."

She giggles at me.

"Why wouldn't you think I'd say yes? You know I love you."

"Well, the relationship went fast baby. I thought you'd wanna wait," I explain.

She stares at me, her beautiful orbs piercing into mine.

"Love doesn't have a time Justin. I just went with what my heart told me."

I smile at her.

I go in my pocket and take my phone out, making me raise her eyebrow.

"Let's take a picture," I suggest.

"Why?," she laughs.

"Because I wanna capture this moment. It's the day I proposed to my baby girl."

She looks down and blushes before looking back up at me.

She nods her head.

"Can we make it silly?," she asks.

I laugh at her. She's adorable.

"Yes," I answer.

I raise my phone up and I make a silly face while she does her beautiful smile with a peace sign.

I take it and smile at the picture and show it to her.

A giggle escapes her and I lean over and kiss her nose.

"You're mine. Got it baby girl?"

She nods.

"Always," she promises.

*End of flashback*


"The part that fuckin' annoys me the most is that this sick motherfucker could be doing anything to them right now and we can't do anything about it. It's fuckin' bullshit."

"I know. Coming to Vegas was supposed to be fun, not a fuckin' diaster."

I take a swig of my beer, and slam it on the counter.

"Yo bartender," I call over.

He turns and looks at me.

"Another one," I command, rising my bottle up before placing it back down.

Suddenly, I see someone sit next to me from the corner of my eye.

I ignore him, staring into space while thinking of Melissa.

Stay Away 2 (sequel to Stay Away) | #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now