Chapter 6: No

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Melissa's POV:

* A week after last chap *

PS: They're back home in New York.

I continue to roll in bed, holding my stomach as the pain worsens.

I wince in pain, feeling like I'm going to burst in tears any second now.

I hear Justin groan as he pulls me into his chest before placing a kiss on my cheek.


I feel something about to come up my throat, causing me to jump up and head towards the bathroom.

"Baby?!," I hear Justin's concerned voice shout.

I ignore him and put my face over the toilet, vomiting while holding my stomach.

I feel Justin's hand rub up and down my back, while he puts my hair up, holding it while I puke.

"Aww baby. You're sick," he says, rubbing my back more.

After a few minutes of puking my fuckin' lungs out, Justin helps me to bed and tucks me in.

"How did you get like this baby girl? Did you eat something bad while going out with Valerie? Is there a sickness going around?"

I shurg my shoulder and roll to my side, shutting my eyes.

I feel him rest his hand on my shoulder before I feel a sweet kiss being placed on my cheek.

"Do you want me to make you some soup?," he offers.

I manage to smile a little and nod.

"Coming right up. Daddy's got it all under control."

I give him a weak giggle before he exits the bedroom.

I don't know what the flying fuck happened. 

I don't know if it was food or just a sickness. I have no clue.

But, at least I have Justin to take care of me.

It hilarious how he calls himself "Daddy." 

The last time he did that we when he had sex.

My eyes widen. I'm not....

I shake my head and laugh at myself.

No, I can't be.


When was the last time we had sex?

Well, the time where he called himself "Daddy" was almost a month ago and we used a condom.

Knowing Justin, he gets turned on and sexually frustrated too damn easy to not have sex in a whole month.

There had to be another time.

Think Melissa! Think!

I think harder and I finally know.

Oh yeah!

It was the morning after the wedding.

It was slow and passionate and-

We didn't use protection....


I count down the days in my head to see how long ago that was, my heart beating out of my chest.

The answer finally pops in my head, causing me to shake a little.

It was about two and a half weeks ago.

I look over and reach for my phone, texting Val.

Me: Val, I need a pregnancy test. Bring it later when Justin goes out with Connor .

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