Chapter 19: Daddy

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* Five weeks after last chap *

Warning: This chap contains sexual content. Read at own risk.

Melissa's POV:

The past few weeks have been unexpectedly peaceful.

Nothing went wrong with Justin's gang, Bella is safe and sound, and Justin is happier than ever before.

But, now today is the big day.

It's the day I start my job at Walter Enterprises.

I'm excited but nervous at the same time.

I look in the mirror once more, seeing if I could improve my look.

I'm wearing a black button up that has sleeves cuffs halfway down my arm and a black skirt to match.

My hair is put up in a bun and I'm wearing black heels.

I sigh.

"I look ridiculous," I mumble to myself.

I see Justin shirtless behind me from the mirror then feel him wrap his strong, muscular, tattooed arms around my waist.

"You look sexy as hell," he rasps.

I can't help but smile a little after he buries his face into my neck, resting his nose there. He takes in my scent, moaning in satisfaction.

"Really?," I ask, still feeling a little insecure.

"Fuck yes."

His grip gets tighter and I feel him start to kiss down my neck, causing me to close my eyes and relax myself.

Justin continues his sweet torture, and the worst part is I don't stop him.

I feel his warm breath travel to my ear, making me shiver.

"Do you know the last time we had sex?," he whispers.

I gulp hard, trying to resist him as much.

I have to leave soon.

Also, Bella is asleep and shouldn't be waking up for another hour.

Justin's gonna make me scream.

I don't wanna wake her up.

"N-no," I choke out.

"Ten. Fuckin'. Months," he growls.

He begins to nibble on my earlobe, causing my sexual frustration to become more tense.

"Justin, I can't do this right now. I have to g-"

I'm interrupted when he grabs my ass hard, making me gasp.

"Holy fuck," I breathe out.

"Fuck me," he rasps harshly in ear.

My breathing hardens.

His hands roam my body before he begins to unbutton my shirt, throwing it to the floor.

He slips off my skirt, leaving me in my lace undergarments.

I look up to see him biting his lip, his eyes scanning over my body in pure lust.

"Damn baby."

"Justin, I have to go. I don't have ti-"

I'm silenced when he quickly grabs my waist and throws me into his chest, then he begins sucking on my collarbone.

I bite down on my lip, resisting my urge to moan.

"J-Justin. Stop," I beg, close to moaning.

"You're sexually frustrated Melissa. I love read you perfectly."

"No, I'm not," I lie, out of breath.

"Baby relax. I don't want you going to work sexually frustrated. You wouldn't be able to concentrate well."

"Justin, I was fine until he came in here horny as fuck."

"Because you looked sexy and nervous. So, I wanted to loosen you up."

I go to say something else, but he crashes his lips into mine, roughly grabbing the back of my thigh before having me straddle to his waist.

I feel myself being thrown on the bed seconds later. He hovers over me, his soft, plump lips brushing over mine.

His fingers find their way to my clit quickly, and Justin shows no hesitation to insert one of his fingers into my soaked panties, making me gasp.

"Don't worry baby. Daddy's knows how to relax his baby girl right."

* Later *

I look in the mirror, seeing my hair messy and my outfit wrinkled.

"Justin, I'm going to fuckin' kill you," I groan.

"Hey, you weren't thinking that when you were begging me to fuck you harder," Justin points out, laying on his back with his hands behind his head, his waist and below covered.

"Justin, I'm gonna be late! I have to be there in a half hour!"

"Relax baby. I wanted to drive you myself, but I have to watch Bella. So, I just texted Za to come get you and drive you."

"Za?," I ask confused.

"Yep. I would've asked Connor, but I know he's sleeping and probably Val, too. But, Za and the rest of his gang are up early."

I hear a beep from outside and I run to the window, seeing Za.

I open the window, catching his attention.

"Aye Mrs. Bizzle!"

His facial expression changes, looking confused.

"Dafuq happened to your hair?"

I groan.

I roll my eyes and grab my purse, walking over to Justin and pecking his lips.

"Once I get home, I'm kicking your ass," I warn.

"Can't wait baby," he says with a smirk.

I run downstairs and go out the door, heading to work.


They are so damn cute.

And Justin is sexy af.

Daddy Justin ;)

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I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

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