Chapter 7: Gang

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That pic of Jelissa to the side is adorable as fuck.

Just sayin'. Lol

Melissa's POV:

I haven't told Justin about me being pregnant yet.

I found out last night and the only one who knows is Valerie.

I feel Justin's strong arms pull me back into his chest as he rubs my stomach.

"Baby girl?"


"You still feeling sick?"

"Not really," I answer.


I sigh deeply and think about my pregnancy.

I don't even know what to do.

He turns me around to face him, staring into my eyes.

"You okay? You got something on your mind?"

I look down and nod my head no.

"C'mon Melissa. I know there's something."

"Justin, I don't wanna talk about it."

He leans down and pecks my nose, a grin present at the corner of his lips.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah," I answer.

"Then, tell me babe. Tell me what's wrong. I wanna help."

I take a deep breath and purse my lips, before preparing to tell him.

"Justin....," I breathe out.



"You're?," he asks, getting impatient.

"I'm pregnant."

He quickly sits up and looks in every direction possible.

"You're pregnant?!"

A smile spreads on his face as he gets more excited.

"We're having a baby?!!," he shouts, looking down at me.

I nod my head.

"Fuck yes!!!!!"

He starts doing a cute, adorable little dance, his smile spreading.

I sit up.

"What? Justin, this isn't good."

His smiles fades as raises his eyebrow at me, confused.


"I'm fuckin' terrified! I'm not ready! I'm not Mommy material! What if something goes wrong in the pregnancy?!"

"Babe," Justin calls.

But, I ignore him and continue.

"What if my body can't take the baby?!"

"Babe, don't be so negative."

"But, J-"

"No buts. It's okay if you're scared."

He sits on the bed and takes my hand.

"I'll be with you every step of the way," he finishes.

"Justin, I can't do this."

He brings my hand up to his lips, kissing it softly.

"Yes, you can. I believe in you baby girl."

"But, what about the gang life?"

He looks down and rubs his neck with one hand before looking back up at me, his eyes piercing into mine.

He rubs his thumb over my knuckles, comforting me before taking a deep breath.

"I'm gonna have to give it up."

A look of shock appears on my face.

"Melissa, we're having a baby. Being in a gang has put the both of us in danger. But, I can't put the baby in danger, too. I have no choice."

"Who's gonna take your place?," I ask.

"Connor has to take back the position of leader. I'm giving up the gang life."

My jaw drops. I didn't really expect him to do this.

"I'll get a job if I have to, or you can get a better job than working at that old diner. Being in the gang life is the only way I know how to protect myself and the ones I love, but that's all going to end."


"What?," he asks, a smile forming on his lips.

"I didn't know you would give it up that quick."

I hear a chuckle from him as he reaches over, placing his hand on my stomach.

"Anything for my baby girl and my little angel."

I giggle at him.

"I wanna boy," he blurts out.

I raise my eyebrow.

"Why a boy?"

"Well, I wouldn't really care to be honest. But, if I had a boy, then I could teach him how to protect his little sister."

"Wait. Justin, how many kids do you want?"

"One hundred," he simply answers.

I burst out in laughter as he scoots closer to me, smiling.

"I wanna girl. I'd think it'd be cute."

He nods my head at my opinion, accepting it.

"We have so much to do. We gotta make the guest room a nursery. We gotta pick names, buy clothes, plan the baby show-"

"Justin?," I call, cutting him off.

"Yes baby?"

"Are you sure everything is gonna be fine?," I ask, rubbing my stomach.

"Of course," he assures.

He leans over and pecks my nose, pulling me into his strong embrace.



Sorry it was kinda short. Lol

Happy fuckin' new year. My New Year's Eve fuckin' sucked tbh.



Q: Any baby names? :)

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I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

My phone got it's shit together. You can kik me anytime and I'll answer you.

Keep it swaggy as fuck.

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