Chapter 3: Safe

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Melissa's POV:

Valerie and I both jump into the car and I shove the key in the ignition, my breathing hard.

I start the engine as we strap our seatbelts and head away from the hotel.

"Where are we gonna go?"

"Far away from the Falcons as possible. Then, I can call Justin."

"But, we don't have our cellphones," she reminds me.

"I know Val. I'll just use a pay phone."

She slouches down in her seat, deeply sighing.

"This is crazy. I didn't know my life would be at risk just from me being in a relationship."

"Well, I thought that to. But, I love Justin. I know if I'm without him, I'll go insane and he'll do the same," I tell her.

"Connor always talks about you guys. It's like he's comparing our relationship to yours. I think he's bored."


"Yeah. It's like our relationship got boring. He holds my hand and kisses me, but it's not as great as it was before."

"Val, when did you start thinking like that? Connor loves you."

"I don't know. Ever since I met you a couple weeks ago, and when Connor told me about his past girlfriend," she answers.

I raise my eyebrow as I speed down the highway.

"You mean, when you knew about what I went through with Justin?"

She hesitates at first, then gives in.

"Yeah. I don't wanna be put in danger anymore. I don't wanna be scare outta my fuckin' mind all the time. This gang thing is not for me."

"Val," I breathe out.

"I'm not gonna tell you how to run your relationship. Do whatever you feel is right. But, remember. Connor loves you. But, here's a tip. Spice things up."

"Spice things up?," she repeats.

"Yeah. Try something new in the relationship."

"Like sex?"

"Uhhh... I guess?"

I awkwardly clear my throat and attempt to change the subject.

"Anyway... I know you're tired Val. Get some sleep. I'll keep driving."

She nods and makes herself comfortable, closing her eyes.

After another half hour of driving, I drive through LA and see a payphone.

"Thank God," I mumble to myself.

I look in one of the compartments and find change.

I park the car and get out, closing the door behind me before heading to the phone.

I put the change in the slot and dial Justin's number, hearing it ring on the other line.

My heart beats out of my chest as I get nervous to see if he'll pick up.

Justin's POV:

"Fuck, I don't even know what part of California they're in," I groan in the passenger seat.

"Don't worry man. We'll find them," Connor assures.

We took a plane somewhere in Cali, and where riding around, thinking where to start.

I roll my eyes and slouch down in my seat.

I suddenly hear my phone ring and see it's an unknown number.

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