Chapter 12: Cute

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Picture of Melissa to the side. She's so beautiful :)

And so are all of you :D

Enjoy the chap!

Melissa's POV:

Justin squeezes our intertwined hands tighter as he leans over and pecks my lips.

Today is our first doctor's appointment for my pregnancy.

I'm now two months pregnant.

I'm actually pretty excited.

"Baby girl?"

"Mhmm?," I answer.

"I fuckin' love you," he says with a smile.

"I love you more Justin," I say back, leaning forward.

He grabs my chin and connects our lips together, smiling into the kiss.

"Justin and Melissa Bieber?"

We both break away from the kiss and look up, seeing a male doctor.

"We're ready for you," he says.

"What the flying fuck?," I hear Justin mumble to himself.

The male doctor is young, handsome, and charming.

Dammit. I already know Justin's gonna hate this.

I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"Play nice baby," I whisper.

He nods and we both get up, heading to our room.

When we get in, I hop on the counter as Justin sits in the chair next to me.

"Hi. I'm Doctor Harris. I'll be your doctor for today."

He smiles at me and I already know Justin is the jealous type, so he's pissed.

"I would like another doctor, preferably a female please," Justin tells him.

"Excuse me?," Doctor Harris asks, confused.

"You heard me. I'm speaking clear as fuck. I want a female doctor," Justin snaps back.

"Justin, stop," I command.

I turn back to the doctor.

"I'm sorry. He's just protective of me."

"That's okay Melissa. That's good that he's like th-"

"Yes, the fuck it is. I don't need charming motherfuckers like you stealing my girl," Justin interrupts.

"Justin!," I shout.

"Um, I don't really mind Melissa. I'll have a female doctor come in and take care of you guys."

He exits the room, closing the door behind him.

I turn to Justin, my eyes narrowed.

I feel him grab my hand before I can say anything.

"I'm not losing you to anyone. You're mine."

He places at sweet kiss on my hand and I sigh.

I don't want him to be so possessive over me.

But, I do at the same time....

I don't know. It's weird.

We hear the door open and look over to see an older women, who looks in her late thirties.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Long. So, how has the pregnancy been going so far?"

I groan a little.

"Well, I get morning sickness a lot. I hold my hand over my stomach and I'm more careful because of the baby. I pee like twenty times a day, my cravings are insane, and I get tired sometimes. Also, my husband is super protective over me."

She laughs and looks over to Justin, seeing him rubbing his neck with one hand.

"Well, have you decided if you guys wanted a boy or girl?"

"It doesn't really matter to us. But, Melissa favorites the idea of having a girl," Justin explains.

She nods.

"Well, lets begin the ultrasound," she insists.

She hooks up everything, and begins the ultrasound.

I feel Justin intertwine our fingers and I look over to him as I'm laying down, smiling at him.

I look back to the screen, as she continues the ultrasound, then I see a little blob.

"There it is!," the nurse cheers.

I smile a little.

"It's so tiny," I laugh.

"This is too fuckin' adorable. I can't wait," I hear Justin say.

"Your due date is months away, but it'll be here before you know it."

I feel Justin squeeze my hand and turn to face him, seeing his eyes glistening.

A few seconds later, I realize his eyes are glistening because there's tears.


He's crying.

He clears his throat, before looking down and looking back up at the screen, staring at the little blob that will be fully developed in seven more months.

It has him in a trance, a smile remaining on his face.

* Later *

I lay on the bed, my eyes shut.

"What the fuck do you mean?!," Justin screams over the phone downstairs.

He's been at it for an hour now.

Justin is still the leader of the gang.

Problems appear out of no where. Just last week, Justin got a call saying one of his members were arrested because they were caught selling drugs.

Half of the gang does that for great income. I honestly hate it.

Now, the police are asking around New York for any suspicions of gangs, specifically the Nightwatchers.

Everyone knows of the Nightwatchers in the country, but the police hasn't found any members.

Until now...

Justin being the leader worries me.

The gang life is dangerous. He has no way out.

What if something happens to the baby?

Our lives are and will always be at risk.

I hear Justin groan as I hear him stomp up the stairs, my eyes shooting right open.

He enters the room, closing the door behind him.

"Bullshit," he mumbles.

"What's wrong?," I ask him.

He looks at me and sighs.

"It's nothing baby. Don't worry about it."

I sigh at him and lay my head back on my soft pillow, shutting my eyes.

I hear him flip the light switch, then he climbs into bed, pulling me into his chest.

He places his hand over my stomach, rubbing it slowly.

I feel his warmth breath on the back of my neck, then I feel him kiss it before sighing deeply.

"I promise I'll protect you both with my life. Okay princess? I fuckin' promise. Don't forget that."

I nod and relax myself, waiting for sleep to take over me.


Hello there :)


That gang shit is fucking up everything...

Q: Did anyone find it cute that Justin cried a little?

What the next chap? 50+ votes and a few comments, and it's all yours!

I love you all and keep it swaggy!

My kik: msswag15

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