Chapter Twenty-Six: Asa Michaels

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I've decided that waking up without her is my least favourite thing in the fucking world. Especially when she doesn't tell me where she's going despite the fact she was literally beaten up last night. I get dressed after freshening up in the bathroom and head out to find my woman who is intent on not resting.

I find Runner and Romeo in the kitchen which isn't a surprise. It may only be half eight in the but Runner is a morning person and Romeo is never more than a few steps away from him even though he hates waking up before ten am. I understand his need to be by Runner's side though, he has this nasty habit of getting kidnapped when we're not looking.

"Good morning, Rubble." Runner greets over his cup of coffee, flicking his eyes up to me from the paper he has in front of him. "No work today then?"

"I fucking hope not," I respond, my voice is still raspy from lack of use. I pour myself some coffee so I don't fall asleep on my feet, I can also make the assumption that June is in with the women. This means I won't be seeing her for another hour or so, fucking Lexie and her hoarding. I was the maid of honour at her wedding and she still won't let me in that fucking room without express permission.

"Morning boys." Bear greets, it's still weird how perky he is. We have the threat of French mercenaries and this guy is still smiling! It's also half eight in the fucking morning and he's never ever liked mornings in all the years I've known him. Before Nova, he would linger around like a crazed bat with severe paranoia. "Has anyone seen my wife and daughter?"

"Probably in the pink room." Runner comments, still focused on the paper as Romeo leans over him protectively. See? Even Romeo is paranoid.

"Has anyone figured out that Evangeline?"

"No, she's unnervingly gorgeous though and Riley and Saviour adore her," Romeo replies. Nova comes sprinting into the kitchen and pounces on her dad in her excitement.

"Riley's engaged, dad! The ring is so pretty, I think mom might be jealous." Nova hugs him around the waist as he strokes her hair back from her face. "I told her that her ring is very pretty though."

"Thank you, Princess. Boulder spent fucking weeks for that damn thing to come in, drove me insane."

"I did not." Boulder looks pissed off as he stalks into the kitchen. If you couldn't tell, most of us hate being awake before midday and Boulder is one of us. "And it's not like you were much better, I remember you spending weeks in Tiffany with the same consultant even after you threatened to put his head through the glass cabinets."

"He was a pain in my fucking ass, it's his job to know about rings and mine to know about my wife. He thought he knew more about my wife so I threatened to murder him once or twice."

"Once or twice? You brought me with you seven times to make sure you didn't jump the little fucker, I'm surprised you didn't ask for a different consultant earlier."

"What about you two? Are you ever getting married? It's legal here." Nova spins in her father's arms to look at Romeo and Runner, both of whom were paying no attention to the conversation and were quietly discussing something about the newspaper.

"Haven't really thought about it, Oliver's school is enough to worry about right now. They've posted more shit about him in the newspaper, they're using him. Talking about how he's a foster kid who lived on the street and now has two gay dads and impeccable grades." Romeo growls, spinning the paper around to show Bear.

"I'll sort it."

"We want him to move schools but the kids need to stay together." In our town, the schools are all joined, as in elementary, middle and high are all combined. While they don't interact with each other they are on one big campus. There are a few other schools as well but they're further away from the clubhouse which would put Ollie at risk.

Keeping them all in the same school means that Rogue, Mark, and Louis can protect all of the children. Also, Nova's kids - which is still strange to say considering Nova herself is only sixteen - are attending that school and they are well trained. Moving Ollie would put the entire club at risk. "I'm sorry, you two, I would never be able to condone moving Oliver. But I will deal with this fucking principal, I'm done giving him chances."

"Thank you." Runner almost collapses in relief and I clap his shoulder in reassurance. We may be arch frenemies and annoy the living shit out of each other but I'd never do that when it comes to his kid.

"Hello, ladies man." I greet him when Mac walks in. June told me she saw him looking at our new addition and her intuition is very good. I wiggle my eyebrows as he approaches the island that we're all leaning on, he doesn't look happy at the call out so I just grin up at him.

"Bear?" We all startle out of the staring fest when Eva's soft voice floats across the room. She doesn't need to speak loudly to silence a room, something I suppose she's worked on over her years in intelligence, speak with power but not volume.


"I just wanted to make you aware that I'll be leaving today, Peyton has requested for me to start working the area to help with your French problem and the Channings. Do you have anything you need from me before I leave?"

"A way to contact you would be great."

"The girls have my contact information, I've asked them to give it to you." Eva then approaches Boulder, who panics slightly at the attention. She reaches out a hand to shake and he takes it, he winces when she applies extra pressure. "If you break my baby's heart, I will kill you, you understand?" He agrees and the fiery anger is replaced with the soft kindness I've linked with her. "I think you're good for her, which is something I'd never thought I'd say. She's always had such a heavy presence but she's happier now. Peyton too. Has anyone seen this Reign fellow? I'm supposed to threaten him as well but I've struggled to find him, is he hiding from me perhaps? He is your son, no?"

She turns to Mac, who looks about ready to melt into the floor as he stares at her. He clears his throat and tries to shake it off, very obviously failing. "He's somewhere upstairs, haven't seen him all morning."

"Hmm... I'll have to go looking then, let's hope he doesn't take a tumble."

"No pushing my husband down the stairs!" Saviour shouts loud enough to vibrate the walls. Eva doesn't even flinch, just rolls her eyes.

"I never said I would push him, darling. Gosh, always jumping to conclusions that one. Well, I'll be out of your hair once I find Reign, it was a pleasure." She leaves the room and all of us turn to Mac who still hasn't come back down to Earth from that small communication.

"Damn, he's worse than he ever was with Deidre." Bear comments, waving his hand in front of Mac's face and getting no reaction.

"What's wrong with him?" Gears asks with a cigar in his mouth, Mac still taking no notice of his environment.

"Our Mac seems to have a little crush."

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