Chapter Six: Asa Michaels

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I'm worried.

Riley isn't replying to text messages which she always does. Her phone is at her hip 24/7 and she has one of the most dangerous jobs on the planet, meaning something could've happened in the hour she hasn't replied to me. I look over at Boulder, who doesn't seem very worried but he does have a better hold on his poker face than I do, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can't help it.

"Boulder, is Riley responding to you?" She's been gone for what feels like forever and I feel like I've lost a limb. I imagine Boulder is worse. They have a child together for God's sake. He shakes his head and rubs his face which shows he is also on edge about this, Riley knows to reply to us now after that entire year without her.

It was quite possibly the worst year of my life. I was on edge the entire time, ready to have a breakdown at any provocation and I was handling it with alcohol and sex. Riley was handling worse and she felt terrible for not calling all that time even though it makes complete sense to me. The relief I felt when her mother called and told us she was okay was unreal and I hold onto that feeling whenever I miss her.

I remember hugging her that day when we were at the club and she wanted to get drunk with Lucia and me. The minute I saw her, I squeezed the life out of her and she let me, laughing the entire time. She's basically my older sister, always has my back, and keeps me company. When she first got here I was thinking about turning in my cut and leaving, I didn't fit in here anymore and the only reason I stayed was because of her.

I was terrified of leaving but I would've done it without her. I won't ever tell anyone that of course, privacy and all that. As per the usual, everyone is in the main family room just gossiping and watching TV. It's amusing that everyone seems to think MCs are always moving but we find ourselves in a lot of lulls recently.

The front door slams open and our guns are in our hands almost immediately. "Riley?" Lexie asks when Riley appears in the doorframe of the lounge. Nobody moves because she's not due back for a little while so I figure we're imagining it. "Where's your gun?"

"I am no longer allowed to carry that gun." She shrugs nonchalantly and we just stare at her in confusion.

"Why not?" Marielle asks, lifting Gem into her lap at the little one's request.

"Because I am no longer an MI6 agent. In fact, I am now a permanent resident of the US of A." Did I just hear that right? Boulder is up before the rest of us, swinging a smiling Riley in his arms as she laughs happily. "Okay, put me down before you make me dizzy."

"You're not fucking with me, right?" Boulder holds her at arm's length and stares down at her.

"I would never lie about it. I've been thinking about it for a while, I don't wanna be away anymore." I get up then, figuring I've waited long enough to greet my sister to allow her the time with her boyfriend. She hugs me tightly and then gets me in a headlock to give me a noogie. She does this a lot.

"Quit manhandling me, woman. You know I actually missed you, I take that back."

"Aww, wittle baby! I missed you too, baby bro." She kisses the back of my head before throwing me away from her, still laughing. She's so mean to me I swear. "Hey Runner, I heard you have a girlfriend, where is she?"

"She is not my girlfriend, we grew up together and I don't actually know where she is. She was already out of the house before we even woke up this morning."

"Her parents aren't gonna find her, right? I don't think we could take the hammering we'd get from his fucking lawyers." Bear rubs the creases from his forehead as he leans forward in his seat. He's always so on edge, always worrying about the next thing even during peacetime.

"Her parents are fucking idiots, they won't go looking anywhere except in the town we're from. I never realised how sick they were, I knew they were bad just from the way Juni was always worried about what she looked like, how she talked, everything. Even when she was seven that girl couldn't have an inch of fun, if I had the opportunity I would murder her parents."

"Are they old money?" Lexie asks, twirling a piece of Nova's pink hair around her finger subconsciously as the princess doodles away in her notebook, probably drawing Rogue sat across from her.

"Mostly, I mean his money is from his parents but he's a well-known lawyer. She came from wealth but her father went to jail for fraud a few years before her eldest was born so she married rich and got her clothing brand founded by her husband."

"They sound lovely," Saviour says sarcastically, cuddling Miracle to her chest as she chats away excitedly.

"No, they were not. They were the reason I was outed."

"Come again." Saviour is straight-backed now, staring at Runner with angry eyes. She's always ready to go for the throat of anyone who would ever think of harming Runner, in any way shape, or form. I mean she almost started a war over an insult so I wouldn't put it past her to just turn up at Juniper's house and murder her parents.

"Juni was the first person I told when I was like sixteen and she was the only supportive person I had in my life. Kept me alive really, she's the one that gave me money to run with. Anyway, I was in their house and talking to Juni about how I should come out to my parents, the fuckers overheard and beat me to it."

"At least you had Juni, she seems sweet." Cassidy comments.

"She is. I don't think I would've made it without her. Speaking of," He answers the phone on speaker and I can hear her delighted squeal on the other side.

"Raphael, guess where I am right now." Her voice is gorgeous but that excitement makes my heart happy after seeing her so devastated last night. She's still pretty when she cries though which should be illegal.

"I don't know, Juni, where are you?"

"The ice rink! You didn't tell me they had one this big here, there's literally no one here and I spoke to the owner, I get the whole hour to myself."

"Oh hell yeah, I'm watching this." He hangs up the phone and starts moving towards the door, "you guys wanna come?"

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