Chapter Thirty-Four: Asa Michaels

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My dick actually fucking hurts. Watching her suck on that lollipop was not my idea of a meeting with the Dons, I didn't listen to a fucking word that they said even after the almost conflict. Good thing she was close to Runner because I was not using the right head the entire time. All I could think about was the red lips on the lollipop and where I would much prefer that mouth to be.

It doesn't help that she was sat so far away from me either, every other woman is sat near their Rider and here I am sat alone staring at her like a creep.

Is it creepy if I've already staked my claim on her?

"Come with me," I mumble in her ear, gripping her elbow and dragging her out to her car. She says goodbye to everyone, laughing softly as she's pulled behind me. I push her up against her car and grip her throat, pulling her head up to look at me. "That wasn't fair, June."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, speeding up as her voice turns breathless and her eyes darken with lust. Her hands slip under my shirt and dig into my stomach, making me shiver slightly.

"Get in the car, I'll see you at yours." She does so and I get on my bike, riding next to her to her house.

The second we get there, I've got her pressed against the wall of the lounge as she grips my shirt tighter, shaking in my hold. I throw her over my shoulder, making her laugh excitedly, to carry her to the bedroom. "You've been teasing me all day."

"I wouldn't dare." She replies cheekily as I toss her onto the bed, smiling as she laughs loudly.

"Oh, so the lollipop wasn't in your mouth as you looked at me."

"That? I just wanted a lollipop for breakfast." Her face and eyes are innocent but her hands are undoing my belt as she stares at me. I lean down and kiss her heavily, dragging her up by her hips to meet me in a languid dance as I press her tongue down with my own. My body jolts when her hands find their way into my pants, caressing me and driving me insane.

I pull out of the kiss to bury my face in her neck with a deep groan. She flips me over and tugs my cut off as she straddles my abdomen, lifting my shirt and planting kisses on the available skin. "Fuck, June."

She smirks and creeps down my body with her slender fingers. I take my shirt off and she descends on my chest with renewed fervour, this time it's her leaving hickeys all over me and I grab at her in desperation. She yanks my belt from its loops and drops it beside the bed before she gets the chance to go any further, I flip our positions again.

I almost rip the buttons of her cardigan in my haste to remove it and I throw it somewhere in the room, revealing her pink lace bra and yellow bruised stomach. I layer soft kisses over her and she sighs, running her fingers through my hair and stroking my back. "You're so gentle with me."

"Because I love you."

"Where do you want my tattoo to go?" I chuckle against her as she starts pointing at parts of her body saying 'here'. I kiss each space gladly as she giggles. "You still haven't answered me, Asa." I bite her thigh hard enough to make her squeak, "I suppose my thighs are definitely on the table."

"I'd rather they be on my face."

"I'm definitely not opposed to that." She's panting now, her hands so tight around my hair that it stings. I tug her jeans off and lick the skin that I bit over the fabric. God, I love this woman. I creep up her body and nip at her breasts over the fabric of her bra, smirking at the way her entire body reacts to me. "And you say I'm the tease."

"Oh, this is just revenge for earlier. It's not fun being painfully hard during an important meeting, June."

"Don't blame me for your horniness." I suck her nipple into my mouth and her argument stops almost immediately, her hand now wrapping around the base of my neck and keeping me tight against her. "If you rip this bra, Mr. Michaels, it'll be the last thing you ever do." She tells me the minute I lay my hands over the cups, ready to rip the flimsy piece of fabric off of her.

"As you wish." I undo it from the back and slide it down her arms, following it with my tongue. I grind against her and relish in her shivers as she digs her heels into my ass to press me into her harder.

"Are you actually going to fuck me, Asa, or are you just going to kiss me?" I bite down on her lip hard enough to make her bleed, she hisses and rolls her hips up towards me. I distract her as I slide down her panties and slip on a condom, I don't even take my jeans off before I drive all the way into her. "Good."

Her head falls back against the mattress, her body curving up to meet me as I thrust into her relentlessly. She reacts in kind, her hands grabbing at whatever she can, curling into the sheets, and tearing small holes in it. I grit my teeth at the feel of her, groaning as I try and outlast her.

I avoid laying my hands on her bruises but keep my hands on her hips so I can force her back down to the bed as she wriggles in euphoria. I suck and lick her neck and ears as she bites her lip that was already bleeding from my assault on it. She cries out my name and I feel her become tight on me, forcing me to collapse down on top of her as she wrings every last drop out of me.

"The teasing was worth it."

"Oh, you think it's over, baby. You are dead fucking wrong."

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