Chapter Twenty: Asa Michaels

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I hate work. I have decided that working is the worst thing in the world, especially on my behalf. At least June likes her work, I hate mine. Bear's idea of making my job easier/shorter is reducing my clients from six to four. I don't like any of them.

I have no choice but to accept the proposition, he is my Prez after all. Leaving this morning was the hardest thing in the world. I just wanted to stay wrapped up in her for a few more hours but we were snapped out of it by her alarm at five this morning. She wasn't happy about it either especially because she thinks we won't be seeing each other until late this evening.

The only good thing about having four clients is I get an extended lunch and I'm currently on my way to her now. The café is heaving with people when I get there and, as expected, Leonard glares at me in distaste, I just smirk and head into the kitchen after greeting Indi.

I spot her coming out of the back office, within seconds of her seeing me I bring her close and kiss her like I haven't seen her in days despite it only being a few hours. She responds to my touch immediately, her hands lacing in my hair and pulling me down to kiss her harder.

I kiss her until she begs me for breath and pulls away, leaving only a small gap between us. "Hi, baby." I greet her while her eyes are still closed. She makes an unintelligible noise before I'm finally greeted by the blue of her eyes.

"Hi." Her answer is short and breathless, her hands slipping from the back of my head to my chest. "I was... supposed to something but I-I can't remember what I was supposed to be doing." I fight the laugh at the dazed look on her face, I'm proud to be able to make her feel like that. I slip my hands under her top and start drawing patterns on the skin there as she chews her lip and thinks about what she's supposed to be doing. "You're not helping me concentrate."

"Do you want me to let go?" I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows, still keeping her pressed against my chest.

"No." I shake my head and hug her properly, tucking her head in my neck and squeezing her waist. "Ah! Cupcakes! Come help me." I allow myself to be tugged over to the large trays and help her put them into the industrial ovens after taking out the baked ones. Just as June finishes mixing the icing, Leonard storms in with a pissed-off look.

"He shouldn't be back here, you're meant to be making cupcakes not making out." He growls and I almost start laughing, so fucking close. Especially when she throws me an exasperated look and rolls her eyes before spinning around.

"Careful there, Lenny, I'm the one that does payroll and quite a few other managerial jobs that dictate whether or not you remain an employee here. I am getting the cupcakes done and Indigo has made it clear that Rubble can come and see me whenever he pleases so please don't try and tell me what to do in that tone especially in front of him, understand?"

So fucking gorgeous.

Leonard just snarls at me and goes back into the main part of the café. "I swear that boy has no indication of self-preservation."

"He likes you," I respond, testing her reaction.

"Yeah, well, that's not happening."

"And why would that be?" I take slow steps towards her, I can see her breathing pick up slightly as her eyes darken. As she continues to ice cupcakes, I slip my arms around her waist and she leans back against me, the icing bag resting on the table.

"Turns out I've already got someone in my life and he's made it clear that he doesn't like to share." I move her hair and tuck my face in her neck, fighting a groan as she shivers in my hold. I grit my teeth to stop myself from reliving last night all over again in a kitchen where food is prepared.

"Good." I nip her neck and she squeaks in surprise. "I have to go back to work but I will see you at your place tonight, is that okay?"

"Okay, for you to leave or okay for you to come over?"


"No to the first one and yes to the second." I chuckle softly, turning her gently to look at her. "Do you have to go?" Her hands tidy my cut as she tries to avoid eye contact with me, her lips pouting adorably. I tilt her head up and draw circles on her cheek. She scrunches her nose playfully and I bite it.

"I'll see you tonight. Also, if that Leonard weirdo tries anything on with you, I'll deal with it."

"Hmm, I think my other guy might want to deal with it himself."

"Well tell your other guy to back off, I want you to myself."

"He might take it badly."

"Don't care. He may not like to share but I hate it." I mumble against her lips as she laughs softly, her body heating up under my touch. "Besides, I could take him." She laughs harder then, the beautiful sound ringing in my ears and bringing a smile to my face. I want to make her laugh like that all the time.

"I'm sure you could." I kiss her again before regretfully letting her go as she waves with a sad little look in her eyes.

Fuck me, I'm so gone.


The clubhouse is full by the time Runner and I pull up. Everyone is under the roof except those on warehouse duty and they're all crammed into the lounge. I don't see any sign of the women so I assume they're in the pink room, I'm not due to go round to June's house until around eight as she hasn't finished work yet and I don't have a key to her place.

"Rubble! How is training the less fortunate?" Romeo asks and I pull a mocking face as I sit on the couch beside him, Runner taking the other side.

"Absolutely fucking horrible, I swear if I have to explain how to do a bicep curl one more time I'm going to murder someone with a dumbbell."

"I agree with that, I've had a crazy amount of questions about the easy things." Runner seems just as frustrated as me, making Bear laugh heartily at our discomfort. I preferred him when he didn't have a kid, he was so broody and left alone, now he joins in on the mocking.

"Aww poor baby, however, will you survive?" Riley mocks, ruffling my hair like she normally does as she leans on the back of the couch like a cat does when it's sunbathing. "You've got the easy job."

I, being the survivalist that I am, shove Riley off the back of the couch and she rolls to catch herself perfectly. I suppose that's the training kicking in but the look on her face is the homicidal traits of hers kicking in and I've become her latest target. "You deserved that," I tell her, receiving a heavy smack in the back of my head.

"Ooh, you better sleep with one eye open because that's the second thing I have to cash in." I forgot about that, I've been so caught up with June that I haven't yet received my retaliation from that comment and now I've just added to it.

"Great, kill me, save me from the torture that is being a personal trainer."

"Not gonna kill you." Riley smiles evilly at me before dropping into Boulder's lap. "Just gonna make you wish you were dead."

"Jokes on you, I already wish I was dead." I snip back and everyone laughs.

"You've got me there." Riley concedes and I fight my smile of pride.

I've never won an argument with her before.

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