Chapter Forty: Asa Michaels

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I am fucking furious.

I almost rip the doors off of the club as I stalk in. I save her life and then she goes around spreading stories about fucking me when she knows I have a woman. Everyone does. When an Old Lady is claimed people are told so that everyone knows the both of us are off-limits, Daisy fucking knows as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if she did this maliciously after recognising the girls and going for who she determined to be the 'weaker' fucking target. I'll admit that's partly my fault, it's easier to believe her considering my past but what I said to June was true, I haven't even looked at another woman since the day we met.

"Asa, calm down." June grips my arm as I simmer silently, my body shaking as I look for the blonde bitch that almost demolished my relationship by running her big fucking mouth.

"She hurt you, June and she did it on purpose."

"She didn't even see me." She tries to justify and I turn my head to look down at her, bringing my hand up to cup her cheek.

"I promise you they did. All of you attract attention and she knows who you are, she did this to hurt you, to hurt us, and she's not getting away with it." Her eyes widen at my words, finally clicking at my meaning.

I know she thinks she's ordinary and that people don't pause when they see her but they do, all the time men in the street take double takes and she never notices.

She's not easy to forget and I imagine this Daisy chick is jealous of her and decided to get involved in something that's got nothing to do with her. This is what you get for being nice to people, I really should fucking stop if it ends up like this every time.

We head over to the bar, my anger now sated to the point where I can control it. I spot Daisy at the back with her friends but they don't see us. "You remember when I told you Rubble walked me home from work that time?" She asks one of her friends, I move so she can't see either of us while we eavesdrop on her conversation.

"Yeah, he's a yummy one. You chose well."

"Yeah, well, you know he has an Old Lady which I think is a bunch of bullshit." I can feel June tense behind me and I pull her around to press her against the bar so I can see her. Her eyes change from anger to lust, just as I wanted. "I saw her in the club last night with all of her other friends and she was wearing an ugly ass dress." The anger returns so I try a different tactic, licking up the side of her neck to nibble on her earlobe. "She sat behind me because she's an idiot and I lied to Brittany about sleeping with him. If they break up, I get first dibs."

"You're in so much trouble, Daisy." One of them replies shakily. At least they understand. "Rubble is a sworn Rider and everyone knows he's off-limits because of Juniper - that's her name by the way and she's a lovely girl. Why would you want to break them up?"

"Because I want him for myself, dummy."

"You think he'd choose you? Have you seen Juniper? She's gorgeous and she's smart and she's rich, also she's friends with Runner - another sworn Rider - do you have a death wish or something? If the other Old Ladies find out about this, they will kill you." June shivers against me as I suck on her neck, trying to keep her calm while this conversation comes to an end.

"Shut the fuck up, Rubble would stop them from hurting me." I pull away from June, wink at her before strutting back to my previous position and whistling. Causing all three women to spin around and look at me, Daisy looks terrified while the other two look smug.

"Good luck, Daisy."

"Let's go." I bark. Daisy listens to my command, grabbing her coat and her bag and walking out to me. She spots June and glares at her. June is still looking a little high from my kiss and there's a rather large hickey on show which is likely what has angered Daisy. I grab June's face and kiss her harshly, staking her claim on me in front of this bitch before we walk out to June's car. "Get in."

Daisy shuts the door behind her while June leans on the passenger side door, looking at me with lustful eyes. "Later," I whisper against her mouth before letting her into the car and driving us back to the clubhouse. I catch glimpses of Daisy shaking in the back of the car and smirk, just fucking wait until I throw her to the Old Ladies.

The second we get into the building, June throws herself in front of me as the women advance with weapons. I just step to the side to reveal Daisy who is still panicking. "What happened?" Is Lexie's first question as the three of us are led into the lounge, Daisy waiting at the door and looking ready to bolt.

"She lied... a lot. She wanted to break us up so she could have Rubble to herself." June sounds disgusted as she flicks her eyes to Daisy while I lean on the wall by the window away from Daisy's pleading eyes.

"Oh really?" Riley looks happy at the idea, taking out the knife Boulder sharpened for her and moving towards the new target. She is only stopped by Eva's grip on her wrist.

"What else was said, my darling?" Eva is the voice of reason at this point, her soft voice soothing the room effortlessly.

"Said that Rubble having an Old Lady was a bunch of bullshit, said that my dress was ugly and that she knew I was behind her when she spun the story about those two together." I reach for her, sensing her sadness, and she leans against me with a soft sigh.

"Bear?" Lexie asks, looking over her shoulder at her husband. He's in charge of what we can and cannot do, even if it doesn't directly affect him, so he has the final say here.

"You're the Queen, Lex, I trust your judgement."

"Juni, do you have anything you want to be done before I deal with this?" June moves away from me and takes determined steps towards Daisy. She slaps her, hard. The sound echoes across the room and I wince as the redness spreads across Daisy's cheek. June doesn't say a word, just comes back to me and retakes her place from before. "Hmm, not what I expected but fitting. Eva?"

"Oh, I'm involved in this?"

"Well yeah, I need your expertise."

"I don't think she needs to be tortured..." Eva looks incredibly confused by Lexie's approach and is staring at the gaggle of women with a blank look on her face.

"No! God! I am not that bad, jeez." Lexie defends.

"I am, I'll do it." Riley steps forward, her knife still in her hand.

"Stand down, Riley." Eva's words halt Riley completely, a pout now spread across her face.

"You're no fun."

"I agree with Eva, torture is a little too far and Juni has already smacked her around a bit. I want you off my territory in two hours. Take whatever you can grab and if you come back, then I'll let Riley torture you, and trust me, she's good at it."

Daisy nods, scurrying out of the building on her platform heels. "We really need to work on the united front thing," Saviour comments and slides into Reign's lap, the others mimicking her actions and sliding into their Rider's lap.

"What would you have done, Eva?" Lexie asks, still curious about our new addition.

"Hmm, I suppose I would've frozen her accounts and completely demolished her credit score but I'm malicious like that."

"I like that idea, let's do that."

Oh fuck.

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