Chapter Thirty-Two: Asa Michaels

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Sadly, my shift on guard duty ends after six hours and I'm forced to leave. June looked ready to cry as I hugged her before leaving with Breaker and Hunter right behind me. That was two hours ago now and I still can't get the scared look in her eyes out of my head.

Currently, I'm in the clubhouse with almost every biker. Bear is pacing behind the couch as we wait for Eva. Our kill count has increased from eleven to seventeen, scratch that twenty as Riley just killed three in one fell swoop. We haven't seen anymore cross our boundaries, even with all of the technology the three tech guys are using to search the entire country so that's a good thing.

"For fuck's sake, what is she doing?" Bear grumbles. He's getting cabin fever and Nova can only give him so much comfort. He misses his wife. You can tell by the way he stares at the picture of her on the mantle and avidly twists his ring around his finger in frustration. I'm surprised he's lasted this long without murdering one of us, to be honest, we're probably getting on his last nerve by complaining about missing our women.

Everyone but Boulder, Reign, and Rogue are in the same boat. The lucky bastards are quite happy to rub it in our face too and I'm ready to punch something. I'm on edge just being away from her and this whole thing is not helping.

"Risking her ass for you." Riley bites back, just as frustrated. Lucky for her, she gets to keep Boulder by her side to comfort her though I figure she's stressed about Toby.

"I'm back! Please do not shoot me as I enter the building!" Eva walks in with her hands up in surrender. "Oh good, I'm relieved."

"Well? What happened?" Bear pleads, grabbing Eva by her upper arms and shaking her in desperation. Eva hardly reacts to his grip even though I can see his white knuckles from here, I can imagine it hurts after experiencing it myself quite a few times.

"The bounty has been settled, dear. It's alright, I'd suggest laying low for a few more hours until I've finished rolling out the retraction but I believe it's safe enough for your family to return. I shall deal with the stragglers."

Eva is then grabbed into a vicious hug and she smiles, rolling her eyes as she accepts the affection. "Thank you."

"Relax, love. I just pulled a few strings and spoke to some friends."

"Do you know who put the bounty on me?"

"Unfortunately, no one was willing to fess up as to who actually wanted you dead. Though word did get back to them that I was getting involved and considering they removed it within minutes, I'd assume it's someone I've been involved with before. I'm working a few angles but for now, I think they'll be in hiding."

"You are a lifesaver."

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to fix this before one of your men got hurt... send him my apologies would you?"

"Why don't you go visit yourself? I'm sure he'd be happy to see a friendly face." I smother my laugh at Bear's 'subtle' attempt to get the object of Mac's affections to visit him in the hospital. I doubt he'd appreciate her seeing him in a hospital gown with a bullet wound but we shall see.

"If you insist." Eva gives him a suspicious glance before turning to Riley and Saviour. "Well, I best be off, my darlings. I'll check on your friend and then I'm expected back in England for some stupid bloody meeting."

"You'll come back though, right? We spent so much time apart and I don't want to do that anymore." Riley looks ready to cry, as she grips at Eva's arms.

"How about... I go to England for this stupid meeting and I buy up as many Tunnock's tea cakes as I can and then I'll come back? Hmm?"

"Can you bring back some Gregg's sausage rolls too?"

"Whatever you want, send me a list and I'll bring it. I love you both."


They should be here by now.

All the women and kids are on their way from Breaker's house after waiting for about three hours for everything to calm down. "Where the fuck is she?" Bear is still not handling this well, he's calmed down from the stress of the bounty but he still misses his wife. They haven't spent much time apart in the ten years they've known each other so I'm not surprised by his desperation.

I'm just as bad and it's only been five hours for me. Lexie is first through the door and she completely bypasses an agitated Bear to grab her daughter, Bear rolls his eyes and joins the hug without thinking much of it. June is the last one through the door and she looks ready to keel over from exhaustion, I just bring her into my chest and rub soothing circles on her back.

"Can we not do that again?" She mumbles, her voice muffled by my shirt as she hides under my cut.

"I'm sorry, I'll do my best." I kiss her head a few times as her breathing evens out. It's three am and we're all ready to just get some sleep after having been awake for three full days. I coax June up to my room which isn't difficult and I help her change into one of my shirts as she keeps her eyes closed in exhaustion.

I tuck her into the duvet and she drags me in, cuddling up to my side with a content sigh. "I love you, June." She moves around to look up at me with a tired smile, her hand moving to caress my cheek and the other patting my chest.

"I love you more. I was speaking to the girls today you know..." She trails off as I tuck her hair behind her ear. "They said they ordered my property jacket, is that something you want me to have?"

I roll her under me as she squeaks in surprise, I press her into the mattress as she stares at me in question. "Of course it's something I want you to have, June. I told that stupid doctor idiot that you would be wearing my jacket, my tattoo, and my ring and I meant every fucking word."

Her grin soothes my heart and I bury my face in her neck with a relieved sigh. "Well... even though you didn't ask me, I want all three of those things by the way. Just thought you should know." I laugh softly at her declaration, lifting myself so I can look her in the eyes.

"Good because it wasn't a question." 

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