Chapter Nine: Juniper Channing

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I like spending time with the girls. I never had sleepovers or anything so I've never gotten ready with people before. To be honest, I've never even had friends before so it's nice to have people helping with your hair or your makeup or your outfit. They made me feel included but after the first three hours, having already been ready for two, I just wanted out.

I'm not used to being around people all the time so three hours is pushing it, let alone the whole night. I'll probably escape in an hour or two, get a taxi back to Raphael's house and save myself from total humiliation.

Raphe gave me a key so at least I won't need to bother him first. I finally manage to escape the pink room, slipping out behind Lexie and hurrying a few steps away as if being too close to the door will drag me back inside.

It's a large room, well decorated and well-stocked, it reminds me of my walk-in wardrobe at the estate. I used to try on clothes for hours in there, the ones I wasn't allowed to wear in public because it would cause a scandal. I don't think anyone even knows who I am, I've modelled twice but my name was never mentioned.

Every tabloid, magazine, and newspaper has tried to figure out what the Channing daughter looks like but very few actually know. I'm grateful for that because I'm sure people would tell my parents where I am if it secured them a monetary benefit. Either that or kidnap me for ransom, which I was threatened with a lot at school.

They may not have known who I was considering I went there under my mother's name instead of my father's, he didn't want to risk having to pay for me after all, but they saw my wealth no matter how hard I tried to hide it and I felt suffocated by their expectations. "Juni, you okay?" I spin around to look at Rubble with one of my false smiles.

Rubble is a very attractive man with a well-built body that isn't overly muscled but you know could lift you without flinching. Those chocolate eyes are enough to have me staring at him when I really shouldn't, though there's worry behind them now.

I know I can trust him, he's just one of those people. The crazy goofballs that you can rely on to always be there when you need them. I don't need to worry him. "I'm alright," I reassure him with the classic nod and everything.

He still looks suspicious but doesn't push me on it, just leads me out to the car and holds the door open for me. The car ride there is relatively quiet and I watch out the window as the town passes, I smile when I see the bakery where I start work tomorrow morning at six.

I don't finish until six and I've scheduled a viewing for an apartment in the evening, I don't plan on drinking because I don't want to be hungover for a twelve-hour shift, especially not around food.

When we get into the club, the music is loud and the dancefloor is packed. I find my heart stuttering in anxiety as I look out over it. I feel someone grip my elbow and lead me somewhere but I don't snap out of my trance until I'm leaned against the wall with Rubble opposite me. He's close enough to fend off the moving crowd but far enough away to give me space to breathe.

"Hey, if you need to leave, I can get you out of here." His eyes are soft and sincere, his body leaning towards me protectively as he takes the brunt of the force from an idiot shoving through the crowd. I don't want to leave now, I would like to dance for a little bit and I look up at him, hoping he can help me out. "Okay, how about you come and get me when you want to leave?" He offers and I smile gratefully with a nod.

I lean up so I don't have to shout. "Thank you, Rubble." I kiss his cheek and follow after the girls to the dancefloor. Lexie and Marielle are drinking margaritas while Riley and Saviour have a beer each.

"There you are!" Marielle cheers and brings me into the circle, twirling me around excitedly. I start to get into the groove, just laughing and singing alongside them and actually enjoying myself for once.

The first and only time I've been clubbing before this was was horrible. I was on my own in an unfamiliar part of the city and I couldn't fend off the men that kept trying to touch me. But now, surrounded by strong, happy women, I feel good. Like I could be one of them in the future.

After about two hours, everyone is wasted and I'm tired. I take a lap of the floor to find Rubble and I spot him at the bar, talking to the bartender. I slip up behind him and place my hand on his upper arm, he doesn't turn to look at me because he's in the middle of his conversation but he places his hand over mine to acknowledge my presence so I know he's not ignoring me.

"Alright, mate. Cut the women off, would ya? They're getting rowdy."

"I did that last time and I was almost murdered by the blonde one, I'm not risking that again." I assume the blonde one is code for Saviour. The bartender winks at me before disappearing to the other end to serve some college girls who seem happy to be receiving attention from the bikers around them.

"You ready to head off?" Rubble asks me.

"Are you sure? I'm happy to get a taxi back." He looks completely astounded at the idea and helps me out of the club by pressing against my side and keeping the drunkards off of me.

"This town is Rider owned which makes it safer than a lot of other places but considering your looks, I don't want to risk anything."

"What do you mean?" I ask as he leads me around the back and into a car that I've never seen before.

"Juniper, I'm sorry to tell you this but you are stunning," My heart stops as a deep blush spreads across my cheeks and kisses my ears, I've never heard that from a man except for Raphael, "and you're also tiny, I'm not risking you getting taken by some drunk idiot who can't control himself. Okay?"

"Thank you," I whisper softly, my entire body still reeling from the compliment he just offered me. One person shouldn't have this much of an effect on me but it feels good to have someone's attention on me for good and caring reasons.

My mother has always critiqued my looks and my father didn't care what I looked like as long as I showed my wealth in some way or another. "How come you didn't drink tonight?" I finally muster up the courage to ask just as we pull up on Raphael's driveway.

"I was worried about you." He has no problems telling the absolute truth, even if that truth might be a little strange to admit. It's a very attractive thing though and my heart speeds up this time as I turn in my seat to look at him, tilting my head to prompt an explanation. "When you left the pink room earlier you were on edge, then again when we got to the club. I wanted to make sure I could get you out of there whenever you needed to."

He noticed?

No one has ever noticed my anxiety before, I thought I was good at covering it up but I suppose it was the opposite, no one paid enough attention to figure it out. My chest and throat hurt as I fight back my tears so I don't have another emotional breakdown in front of the most gorgeous man I've had the pleasure of meeting.

"Thank you, Rubble, you're a lifesaver." I manage to choke out before kissing his cheek again and clambering out of the car. He waits until I'm inside with the door locked behind me to pull away.

What is happening to me?

Rubble (Riders of Apollo #7)Where stories live. Discover now