Chapter Thirty-Six: Asa Michaels

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"I'll be gone for three days, that's it." She's packing her bag to stay at Lucia's house for a 'long weekend' in the middle of the fucking week. I can't believe Lexie managed to convince Bear to let them do this because I have contracted a case of severe separation anxiety after spending every single minute with her for the last two weeks.

She's been at work and I've been bunking work, something I'm going to get murdered for but hey, worth it. Now I'm being forced to let her go to that Mexican Mansion and I won't see her for three whole days. "I'm not gonna make it." I hang halfway off our bed with a pout, trying to convince her to stay with me.

It looks like the girls were able to convince her to go though as she was nervous to, she wasn't friends with Lucia before after all but now they are. I don't understand women but apparently, one conversation can form a forever bond and now my woman is going to be in allied territory without me.

Even with her jacket on, she won't be protected against horny men and the idea of leaving her in a house with hundreds of male guards does not sit well with me. I'm not her boss so I'm not going to stop her from going, she's already been controlled and she doesn't need that from me. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna complain and whine to see if it can convince her to not go.

"You're going to be fine, Asa. Three days, that's it." She kisses me on the forehead before disappearing into the bathroom to grab her toiletries. "Maybe you could even spend time with your brothers, you know, the men you've lived with for years? Remember them?"

I grab the back of her thighs and tug her to me, my puppy dog eyes now in place. These normally work on Riley so I'm hoping for a good outcome. I can see her soften but unfortunately, I am unsuccessful. "I love you, honey, I do, but I am going to Lucia's house." She zips up her bag and slings it over her shoulder, we have to get back to the club in ten minutes so the girls can leave in the limo Lucia hired.

Yes, I said limo. The Mexican Queen will spend her husband's money on anything she wants and he won't even blink an eye. Imagine. I make a lot of money myself, being part of a one-percenter does that, but June is the rich one here. She's my sugar mama. She smacked me when I said that but said nothing in defence.

We take my bike because it's quicker and the girls latch onto her the minute we walk into the clubhouse. All the mated Riders are in the lounge, I don't know where everyone else is but everyone in here looks downright depressed. "You guys good?" I ask with a laugh.

Hunter looks like the only chill one here, though that's not surprising. Reign is twirling a blade between his fingers which does not give me much confidence for a few of our prisoners downstairs. I've already had my fun with the doctor with help from him and I'm still slightly traumatised by my first full torture session.

Anyway, Boulder is cleaning his gun and looking unhappy at the idea of being away from his fiancée. Breaker is on edge though isn't playing with any of his weapons which relaxes me slightly, he isn't an angry person but he worries about Cassidy all the time. Rogue seems fine, though his eyes keep flicking between Bear and Nova, probably hoping that someone will stop this before it happens. Bear is sharpening his fucking knife so I figure that's not happening anytime soon.

And all the women are chatting excitedly about what they're going to do without us. "Oh yeah, we're fucking brilliant. Not like our women are taking a vacation without us, how are you?" Bear growls out as he glares at the gaggle of women.

"I'm fucking fantastic," I reply with a thumbs up just as Mac walks in. He's been slowly improving, now able to travel on his own and use the stairs without passing out on the way which is impressive in itself considering how bad he was last week. He's been going for short rides but he has to take someone with him in case something happens and he is not happy about it.

I drop onto the couch as Mac takes a seat in the armchair next to me. "They're still here?" He asks and all of us just grumble in reply. As if they can sense our agitation, they all make their way over to their Rider and slide into our laps. I hug June close to my chest as she scratches through my hair, still chatting away with the others.

I hear the door go over the chatter and I tense slightly, I really hope this isn't going to be another issue because I'm really not in the mood. Eva walks in, thankfully, and Riley launches herself at her within seconds. "Hello, love."

"How was your meeting in England?"

"Absolutely abysmal. I hate small talk and businessmen thrive when they're chatting bollocks. One of them even asked me to fetch him a coffee, disgraceful behaviour. I swear if I get asked to make one more coffee, I will commit homicide. I saw the bags by the door, where are you going?"

"Oh, all of us girls are staying at Lucia's place for a few days, you should come with."

"I can't. I have to go with her bloody husband instead. A ten-hour flight with him is going to kill me."

"Ten hours? You know where's he's going?" Bear sits up, struggling slightly with Lexie still in his lap and Nova right next to him.

"Yes, darling. I'm going as well. It is irrelevant though." She brushes that conversation off and turns back to Riley. "I brought everything you asked for from Tunnock's tea cakes to Gregg's sausage rolls. I'll drop them off later as I had to have them shipped separately, I had to sign so much paperwork I think I have carpal tunnel now."

Riley rolls her eyes and curls back up on Boulder's lap. I look over at Mac, who still can't seem to form a proper sentence around Eva. I really wish I was able to see what happened at the hospital because I imagine it is absolutely hysterical. "I'm glad to see your condition has improved, Mac."

"Thank you." He's still not all there, to be honest, and it's so confusing to me. I've seen him in action at the club and he's a real Casanova, and he's always so well put together. It's nice to see that someone can knock him off his game, I'm just glad that it's her. "Umm, why didn't you get that plane the other day?"

Yay for Mac, he finally asked a question in the right order!

"Plane?" Her head tilts as she thinks this over, all of us wait in a bated breath as we watch the communication between the two. "Oh! Yes, right! I ended up having to deal with a few contacts here before I left as they didn't get the memo that Bear is now off the table."

"Oh, right, yeah." And he's back. That lasted all of two seconds, still, I'm proud of him. Maybe he'll do better next time.

"Your limo is out the front by the way." Eva points out and every woman bounces onto their feet, kisses their Riders once, and then leaves. Eva watches with surprised eyes as they all disappear in a matter of seconds. "Wow."

"Are you staying for food?" Bear asks, having already put in a large order of Chinese food.

"I would love to but if I don't get my arse to the mansion as well then I am going to be murdered by my own god-daughter. Raincheck?"

"Of course." Mac is the one that answers and Eva smiles widely before leaving. Then we all descend on him with questions.

I think Saviour is gonna be winning that bet quicker than we thought she would. 

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