Chapter Thirteen: Juniper Channing

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He's been here for hours, keeping me company and helping me out whenever he's able to. Because of the turnover in the café, I've had to keep making food all day. Sandwiches, paninis, and pasta are made to order alongside all sorts of different pastries and cakes. But we kept up, I wouldn't have made it without him though.

I convinced Indi to go home early because she was literally dead on her feet, I'm on clean-up duty and Rubble stays claiming this is a bad area to be alone in. I don't question it because I love his company and him staying means the world to me. No one has cared this much before except Raphael but it feels different this time.

I finish up the kitchen and venture out into the café to find Rubble counting the money in the till. "How much did we make today?" I ask as I start flipping the chairs onto the table after cleaning each surface.

"About five grand." My jaw drops and I stumble over a chair. I hurry over to look at the cash stacks and he smiles at me.

"I can't believe it. It's you, obviously. We've never made that much before." He rolls his eyes good-naturedly.

"I think it's your food. I've been eating it all day and trust me when I say it's the best thing I've ever eaten."

"Thank you," I whisper before spinning around and turning the radio on, I don't like cleaning without music, it's boring. After I've finished the tables, Rubble appears behind me and twirls me around making me laugh loudly. I spin into his chest as we dance around the café while he tells me what his favourite foods of today were. "You're a good dancer," I comment, in the midst of another twirl.

"Oh, I know." He winks playfully at me, making me laugh again as I narrowly avoid stepping on his toes. I'm an ice skater, not a dancer. The third song finishes and I declare that I need to finish cleaning or we'll never leave, he pouts but releases me and helps me finish up the place. He then walks me to my car, checks underneath it and everything before opening the door for me. "I'll see you tomorrow, June."

"Bye Rubble."

"Asa, my name is Asa." I kiss his cheek excitedly and he closes the door the second my belt is done up. That's a big step, isn't it? A Rider telling you their real name? It suits him so well and I can't wait to actually say it, I know I can't use it in front of others and I like that about it - I'm one of the few he trusts with knowing this about him.

I pull up outside Raphe's house, I know they're not going to be home until late which means I have the house to myself. I just set up in my bathroom, filling the tub with bubble bath and salts, lighting candles, and turning on the radio. Instead of reading a book like I normally do, I flick through the booklets for places in the area.

I'm thinking more house than an apartment, I don't like the idea of having elevators and no garden. Also, so many shared spaces make me a little uncomfortable so it would be nice to have everything be my own. I'm really liking this one as it's only a five-minute drive to work, three bedrooms with a bay window and a large bathtub also the design is beautiful.

It's weird how many decisions I've been making in so little time. Chose my own job, my own car and soon I'll be choosing my own house. It makes my anxiety go haywire, what if I mess up? What if I choose the wrong one? It's easy to sell a car and quit a job but housing? Not so much. It's at times like these I wish I had my father to support me.

I sigh and put the booklet for that house on the 'yes' pile that only has one other booklet in it. I'll admit there are some beautiful properties in this town but some of them just don't fit the aesthetic I'm going for. I want big windows and a nice garden, the ones closer to the middle of town don't have those things.

Most of the houses are equipped with showers with no tub and I don't really like that very much plus some of them are just too far away from work. I don't want to travel half an hour every morning because I'd have to leave my house at half five, which does not sound fun to me no matter how much I love my job. It definitely wouldn't be fun in winter.

That puts the next four in the 'no' pile. I text my agent to set up a viewing of the first house I looked at this evening and he texts back with thumbs up emojis which I assume means yes. I finish up the bath and head into my bedroom with a sigh.

I'm so tired but in the best way. I drift over to my suitcase and throw on some underwear before coating my body in lotion and taking care of my skin. I put on a long shirt and roll into my sheets with a relieved sigh, it's only half nine but I'm ready to sleep anyway.

I'm excited to do all this again tomorrow.


Thankfully, after baking/cooking so much yesterday I'm able to spend more time on the floor with customers. I buss tables, take orders and make coffees at the speed of light, loving the repetitive motion of it all. Indi's smile could light the world as we continue to bring in high levels of cash, her dream is definitely coming true and I'm so happy for her.

"We need more pasta!"

"On it." I hurry into the kitchen with the full tub of dirty dishes and turn on the stove to heat the water as I start putting all the dishes in the washer. I squeal in surprise as arms wrap around me in a hug. "Christ, Asa, you scared me." I place my hand on my chest to calm my heart rate but find it speeding up for a whole other reason.

"Sorry, June. You need any help?" I spin around with a smile.

"Umm, not at the moment. We made so much yesterday that most of it will carry over until about four. Except for pasta, I've gotta make pasta." He lets me go and I dash over to the counter to start filling the massive pot with excessive amounts of pasta. I never know how much to make, I can't even figure out how to make enough for me so I just wing it.

"Hey Rubble." Indi greets me as she hands me a pile of receipts. "This is from the last half hour alone." I try and tidy them up but groan when one of them nicks my skin. "Oooh, paper cuts suck." She winces before dashing out of the room to help customers.

Asa takes the pile and puts them in the back office before sticking a band-aid over the wound and kissing it. "This is nothing compared to yours," I state as I look at the healing cut on his arm.

"Meh, I still think papercuts are worse."

Rubble (Riders of Apollo #7)Where stories live. Discover now